Friday, June 6, 2014

26- Lucy Wan

I probably could have walked into this class and gotten a 5 on the AP test from the very first day. (Did that sentence get your attention? I used it for the shock value.) Of course I didn't realize I could have passed the test until I knew what it was about, and that is what your class is. 

Now normally, I have a pet peeve against teachers who teach to the test. I find myself bored and ill-prepared to use those skills beyond that specific test. However, you managed to make the material seem interesting. I think congress was the best thing we did all year. Being able to have my own work critiqued and looking at my classmates work made me a better writer. That being said, I HATED turnitin. Writing comments on others papers without having any of my classmates back me up or even year me down was confusing. I didn't know what to say, or whether I was being too harsh. I would have also liked to do an equal amount of every essay and review each essay type before the test. We did much less argumentative essays than analysis. Also, by the time of the test, I had not written an analysis essay in a few months. Needless to say, I was a bit nervous for that one. 

There's going to be a divided opinion about your class because some people don't feel like they're learning anything. Sometimes the class can be very stagnant; we seem to do nothing. I understand that your job is to teach to the test, but learning about parts of English other than just writing strengthens the student as a whole. Yes, we did AP practice tests, but it would have been easier to analyze passages had we analyzed a text. 

I had a lot of fun this year. You've made me a better writer, even though it takes me forever. Thanks for everything.

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