Thursday, June 5, 2014

Zach Wolfe 21

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe, a tree feel and didn't make a noise because no one was around to hear it. I've never understood that saying. Obviously the tree still makes a noise. It has to. There was a vibration when it hit the ground, and vibration causes sound. Even if no one heard it, this still occurred. That's like saying animals don't go to the bathroom because no one saw them. Obviously all animals have to relieve themselves. It's a process of life. Just like the vibration caused by the tree is a process of sound. I wonder how many trees just naturally fall each year, or even each day. I've seen trees collapse after being covered in ice or being struck by lightning but I've never seen a tree just fall for seemingly no reason. I wonder how many people I know have seen a tree naturally fall. 

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