Sunday, March 23, 2014

#22 Fictional Character-Rachel Hart

If I could choose to be any character, I would have to choose to be Princess Mia Thermopolis from Princess Diaries. Discovering you’re a princess in high school? Count me in! I would love to leave all of the homework and tests behind to rule my own country. Rather than worry with teachers, I would be worrying with dignitaries and princes.  All of that aside, she is a humble princess who doesn’t let royalty go to her head. She still sees the importance in helping others and would rather walk with children in a parade then ride in a fancy car. When forced with the decision to marry or forfeit the thrown, she is powerful enough to stand up and proclaim that she will rule by herself. In her position, I would love to be the power and strong queen she is. Besides, princess life rules over high school life any day.

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