Sunday, March 16, 2014

I am a Jack, but oh if I could be The Joker- Blog # 22 Fictional Characters

I would be the Joker


 Because he’s The Joker.

He whimsically blows up hospitals, terrorizes Gotham, and asks the same questions over and over again. Why so serious? And Do you wanna know how I got these scars?

But why? Why does he do what he does? Why is he obsessed with a grown man that dresses up like a bat? Partially because he want too, and partially because he needs to.

Every villain needs to be able to kill and steal his way to the top, the joker villians with style though.  Whether he’s burning a pile of money with a rat accountant on it, or doing an awesome magic trick (I still don’t know where that pencil with) the Joker is ruthlessly cool about it. His ability to do whatever he wants without moral or legal repercussions is admirable at least, but what drives him? What makes him so mad.

Although never specifically specified, the Joker’s backstory is one of tragedy. He lost a wife and child; he failed as a comedian; and he failed a heist, which left him a mutilated monster. To make it worse his life literally goes down the drain in a matter of hours, 24 to be exact. After so much tragedy any normal human would snap just as he did right? That’s what the joker aims to prove when he terrorizes batman and Gotham. He even succeeds at eventually making the bat snap to some degree or other. But The Joker is nothing without Batman, and he knows it. He often idolizes batman for “completing” him. To the Joker, Batman is his pair. He embodies chaos and mayhem while batman embodies order and Justice. They are a perfect for each other in the way that Batman can’t kill the Joker out of cold blood because it would put him above the law, and the Joker can’t kill The Batman because “He is just too much fun.”

In the end I wouldn’t want to be the Joker for all the stuff I have written above, I would want to be the Joker because it would be fun. This is why anybody should want to be the joker and it’s why the Joker wants to be the Joker. There is no rhyme or reason behind what he does so why should there be any rhyme or reason to who he is? 

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