Sunday, March 16, 2014

Right Now- Chelsea Southworth

At this very moment, a girl is becoming smaller. Whether quieting her voice because only bossy women speak loudly, keeping her views to herself because only bitchy women have opinions, or literally becoming smaller, starving and shrinking her body because only skinny women are attractive, she is turning herself into something less than what she is meant to be. This girl is realizing that society couldn't care less about her mind; if she doesn't have that perfect body- the one that doesn't exist outside of photoshopped magazine pages- then she is worthless. This girl turns on the TV and sees bikini-clad models eating hamburgers on the beach in between shows where there are more nonhuman speaking characters than there are women. This girl goes to the movie theater and sees a strong, confident hero driving the story and saving his beautiful damsel in distress. This girl looks anywhere and sees that she is not enough, nor will she ever be.

This girl could be one of the 78% who are unhappy with their bodies by age 17.

This girl could be one of the 65% of US females that suffer from an eating disorder.

Because she believes she is not valuable, this girl could be the 1 in 4 who experiences teen dating violence or the 1 in 4 who is abused by a partner in their lifetime.

Because of rape culture and societal conditioning, this girl could be the 1 in 6 who survives rape or attempted rape by a man who thinks it's an okay thing to.

Because of the society we live in, this girl could take her own life because she thinks is not enough.

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