Wednesday, January 29, 2014
#18 Bucket List Haley Longworth
2. Before I graduate college I want to find a passion that I can incorporate into my future job. I want to do something I love and will never get tired of; something that will keep me happy my entire life and that can somehow help the world or impact people around me.
3. Before I kick the bucket there are a couple things I want to do. First would be meeting a man I truly love and forever will, and being able to share my life with him. Second would be growing closer to God and having an unbreakable relationship with him. Third would be travelling. I don't know where and I don't know when, but I know I want to. There are so many beautiful places in the world that are waiting to be seen.
#19 Plastics Haley Longworth
A piece of advice given to me that has stuck is that you can't live a positive life with a negative mind. One of my biggest problems is looking at the negatives in situations and complaining all the time. I notice that when I do this it is more difficult to be happy. Recently I have been able to be more positive, and the effects have been tremendous. I feel happier, smile more, and can talk to people easier. You feel so so so much better and light and happy and wonderful. Honestly I don't dread doing my homework so much, I do everything with joy and work harder on assignments, and am much more determined. It is easy to fall out of positivity and revert back to being negative, but it is not worth it to take the easy way out. Trust me! If I'm every feeling stressed or angry, I just have to remember that there is always something to be happy about in life.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Assignment 20 How To Karl Werner
- Write down the homework when the teacher assigns it.
- Put the needed materials in your backpack and bring them home with you.
- Do your homework at home because you are not a moron.
- Store homework securely in backpack.
- Go live life.
- Go to sleep.
- Wake up.
- Prepare for school.
- Go to school.
- Greet comrades.
- When lazy comrade asks to see your homework, look them directly in the eye.
- Give the slacker a wistful, regretful look.
- Slowly and sadly shake your head no.
- Tell them you don't have and that you have not done it either.
- Look down in despair.
- Say sorry.
- Say you plan on doing it later.
- Pretend to fall asleep or start talking to someone else.
- Enjoy your free morning as everyone else scrambles to finish their work before the class it is for.
- Don't die young due to excessive stress.
- Rinse.
- Repeat.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
How too 20-Zac Byrd
Jack Humphries Blog 18 Bucket list
Assignment 19: plastics
Most of the advice we receive in our lives is unsolicited and quite frankly inane. However, every once in a while we get a real gem and changes our trajectory. What is the one piece of advice given to you that has stuck? Explain its effect.
(Prompt inspired by Mary Austin)
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, February 9th at 11:59 pm
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Plastics- Jasa Harris
#19- Plastics (Chelsea Southworth)
We are all sitting in our little nook sharing sniffles and cuddles, trying to come to terms with the fact that we could never return to what we all considered the most perfect place in existence. We'd all known it was coming, but that did nothing to stop the tears that slowly rolled down our cheeks, the last melancholy drops of fountains that had been flowing for hours.
Then Sam, our Residential Counselor, our beloved Mama Hedgehog, posed a simple question: What did you love most about TIP?
The stories came haltingly at first, then soon poured out of us in rivers- but there was something in common with every touching tale told, every recounting of the warm smiles and warm words that were as constant as the North Carolina heat on our shoulders.
That was when Sam said something that, in all honesty, changed my life. "The one thing that every single one of you has talked about is acceptance," she told us, her face as somber as ours but filled with a wisdom we had not yet reached. "Acceptance, and how you wish it didn't have to be over...but it doesn't. If you carry this feeling of TIP- this unquestioning, automatic love you have for one another, this way of assuming that everyone is amazing and this celebration of all your quirks and flaws- if you take this with you and act like this no matter where you go, you can make life just wonderful as these past three weeks were."
Sappy, right? "I'm always with you...right here, in your heart." Except, well, Sam was right. At TIP, if you see a guy performing magic tricks in the quad, your first thought is magic? Show me some of that! You're so talented, wow! rather than magic? Laaaaame. At TIP, the quiet ones aren't ignored or shunned as freaks; anyone sitting alone is promptly joined by at least one other person, who is content with carrying the conversation until they find the topic that gets their new friend talking (and there always is one). At TIP, dashing through the halls and asking a second-year guy that you've never spoken to if you can borrow his clothes for Wear a Dress Wednesday (really Cross Dress Day) is completely acceptable, as are water-gun wars with the fourth-year guys and impromptu Disney sing-a-long sessions.
This is getting long because I'm getting emotional, but I think there's something beautiful about the acceptance and love of TIP, and it's something that I've tried to live into in my own life ever since I came back. To quote the speech of another fourth-year girl, "TIP is my Narnia, TIP is my Neverland. TIP is where I can wear a cape around all day and the only comment I get is, 'Nice cape.'"
TIP is llove, as the Easties with their Llama are fond of saying, and that llove is what I try to express. TIP is my home, and though I can't go back to my family, I can use what they taught me to make my life as TIPtastic (TIPsters are fond of these words. See: TIPression, RelationTIP (sometimes called tipTIPtipTIP) and TIPpropriate) as possible.
#18- Buckets and Buckets (Chelsea Southworth)
College: This depends on if I end up going to grad school or not, but assuming I do, I want nothing more than to study bonobos. My passion for these animals is immense; I am fascinated by their sociality, their extremely unique group behaviors as well as their extremely unique individual personalities- it would take me longer to think of something I do not find amazing about bonobos than to list every single one of the things I do. They're wonderful primates, and whether I intern at the Cincinnati zoo, volunteer at the Lola Ya Bonobo Sanctuary, or study a wild population, I will consider any experience in college with bonobos a success.
Life: Hm. This is a hard one. I'd say the one thing I want to do is make an impact and leave a legacy. It might sound lame to those who are scientifically-inclined, but having my name on studies that I have conducted and then seeing my name used in other peoples' work is incredibly exciting to me; I would attain, at least in the niche field of primatology (but quality is more important than size), immortality to the extent that humans can grasp it. "Southworth, et. al."...if only. But outside of career ambitions, I want to make an impact on people too, whether through myself or through the book(s) that I will (hopefully) published, it does not matter to me. If I can do anything to change the world or even the small microcosm of it that I inhabit I think I'll die happy.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Plastics-Zac Byrd
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Assignment 19- Plastics Karl Werner
These days, I am a frugal person. I use coupons on everything, and never buy anything without a sale or a deal. My wallet is significantly fatter, and my bank account significantly less depressing. The things I own cost me less and satisfy me more. I love money, and since that motherly advice changed my life, I think I have a chance at getting money to love me <3.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets
A bucket list is a list of everything you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket. That doesn't mean you can't have such a list for specific aspects of your life as well.
To begin the year, generate your own bucket lists - one for high school, one for college, and one for life. Then, write about the priority on each list.
- What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish high school?
- What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish college?
- What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish living?
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Buckets and Buckets Jania Stevenson
2. One thing I want to do before I graduate college is go study abroad. I have no idea where I would go but the idea of traveling to another country just sounds so amazing. I love learning about other cultures and meeting new people so being able to go somewhere and experience all those things for myself would be pretty cool
3. Before I die I want to become a millionaire. I honestly don't know how I'm going to do it and I honestly don't really care. I could become famous or something, or I could actually work at it and do or make something useful to people. It doesn't matter to me. I just want to die rich
Bucket List - Jasa Harris
Bucket list 18-Zac Byrd
2)During college I want to go to the Olympics in Rio or during what I hope will be my graduate school years during 2020. I don't really want to be there to swim I just want to see them. From all the years I’ve put into swimming it’d be an amazing experience to see some of the best swimmers compete. And even then I could also go out and watch the other sports.
3) During my life I want to climb a mountain. I have no experience at all with climbing anything but conquering Everest would be amazing. Literally the top of Everest would be breathtaking and traveling around the world to get to a place like Everest would be an amazing opportunity for me to see the different cultures and natural beauties of the world. As far-fetched as that is I’d love to do it.
#18 Bucket List: Erin Holbrook
High School: Before I graduate high school, there isn't much more I want to do. I'm eager to grow up and get out of the house. Graduation couldn't come sooner. The main thing I'd like to do is not loose my head. Getting into college is stressful, and I am not the best at dealing with stress. If I can get through school without going bonkers, I consider that a huge success. I don't think I'm going to aim any higher than that.
College: During my college years, I am really looking forward to living abroad. I want to visit Spain, Ireland, England, and several other places before I die. During college, I want to spend at least a year living in one of those countries. Even if I end up having to take a year off to travel through Europe, it will be done. I look forward to it like an adventure.
Death: Before I die, I hope to have accomplished quite a lot of things. I mainly hope to be quite successful in my career. Though since I haven't picked a field of study, I can't make any specific goals there at the moment. Instead I'll say that I want to have written a book. By "write a book" I don't mean throw slop on paper and then publish it obscurely so that all of 2 people read it. I want to write something worth reading, that I can be proud to put my name on. Writing a good book will probably be one of the hardest things I do, especially since my career is likely to be focused elsewhere. With hard work, and plenty of trial and error, I think it can be done.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Assignment #18 Bucket List- Karl Werner
2) My biggest thing in college is that I would like to spend one semester abroad. I have relatives in other countries that offer me this option. I plan on taking them up on this offer. I love foreign foods, peoples, places, and cultures. As a young boy, my family traveled frequently. It has dwindled off in recent years, and in college I hope to rekindle that.
3) Number one on my rest-of-life bucket list is to live to see space colonization. I want to see humanity take the next step. I want to be there when we begin our ascent into the stars. I wish to witness (at least) the beginning of our rise unto new horizons. My goal is to not die till this happens.