Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Assignment 19- Plastics Karl Werner

I love money. Money is my friend. Money is my best friend. I think I might in fact be in love with money. Our relationship has not always been as strong as it is today. I used to be very reckless with money. I did not give it the proper care or attention. It would often just slip away from me. Then, one day, I bought a $70 pair of jeans. My cheapskate mother was not happy. She gave me quite the talking to. I was told "Never buy anything full-price." And despite her negative tone, I took these words to heart. I began my new life as a sale hunter. Forever, my world was changed.
These days, I am a frugal person. I use coupons on everything, and never buy anything without a sale or a deal. My wallet is significantly fatter, and my bank account significantly less depressing. The things I own cost me less and satisfy me more. I love money, and since that motherly advice changed my life, I think I have a chance at getting money to love me <3.

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