Wednesday, January 29, 2014

#19 Plastics Haley Longworth

A piece of advice given to me that has stuck is that you can't live a positive life with a negative mind. One of my biggest problems is looking at the negatives in situations and complaining all the time. I notice that when I do this it is more difficult to be happy. Recently I have been able to be more positive, and the effects have been tremendous. I feel happier, smile more, and can talk to people easier. You feel so so so much better and light and happy and wonderful. Honestly I don't dread doing my homework so much, I do everything with joy and work harder on assignments, and am much more determined. It is easy to fall out of positivity and revert back to being negative, but it is not worth it to take the easy way out. Trust me! If I'm every feeling stressed or angry, I just have to remember that there is always something to be happy about in life.

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