Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jack Humphries Blog 18 Bucket list

#1 goal for High school
            Refrain from catching senoritis AND maybe go to a concert?

#1 goal for college

            Be more free AND stay awake for a whole weekend

#1 goal for life

Figure out what the hell is going on AND go sky diving (maybe not because I’m terrified of heights)

Although I didn’t write a full-blown bucket list for this assignment, I’m happy about the goals I came up with. To explain my 1st goal for high school/college/life is a goal I feel I should strive toward. I know my 1st goals will be tricky to keep/ achieve and so I have a back up goal. As my father always says “ The key to happiness is low expectations and being over prepared”. Thus I have the 2nd/ back up goals that I can achieve fairly easily. They hopefully will keep my morale up as I strive for my 1st goals.

High school
            We are in the second half of our junior year of high school, and one year from now we lose all motivation. All of our college applications will be sent out, and we will be waiting for summer vacation to arrive. I hope that I can hold off senioritis for the remainder of my high school but I doubt I will. I have this goal simply to reminder myself not to waste my time by being lazy. If I’m going to be in school, I should be learning or doing something at least half way productive. If indeed I do contract senioritis though, I always have my 2nd goal to fall back on. I can skip school and go to a concert or do something of the sort. In the end I hope I can jus make it through the rest of my high school experience with as little annoyance and as much enjoyance and possible.

            College will be interesting. I will no longer have to answer to “the man”/ my parents for every single thing I do. I wont have to go swim for 2+ hours a day, and I will (hopefully) have a few quick and painless hours of school a day. I will go from being a slave to my schedule to a free worriless college student. I wont be able to do anything I want, whenever I want, but still I think my college goal will be the easiest to achieve. Sadly, my fall back goal may be harder than my 1st goal since I am pretty lazy, and I LOVE sleep. I fear I may have to use an unhealthy amount of energy drinks to achieve this goal, and that after, I will slip into a deep coma. Anyway I think I can expect college to be fun hopefully more free.

            I hate the phrase “Life is too short”, life is the longest thing you will ever experience besides swim meets and boring theater productions. Those things literally take forever. Anyway I say this because, I usually don’t know how to start paragraphs/ papers/ things I general and I thought it would be a pretty good intro. I never have really understood what’s going on too well. Sure I know when assignments are due (Most of the time), or what I should say to people, or even my own ideas on things like life and death, but I don’t really know what’s going on. In essence this is my impossible goal. For no one can really know the whole story; there is always some point of view you haven’t explored, or some rock you left un-turned, which is a good thing. I have this goal as a way to keep me going. It’s a target that I can never reach but it something I will always aim for. Just think how demoralizing it would be to achieve your life’s goal. To complete something I have worked toward for all of my life would leave me empty. It would be like an author dieing before her book is completed. The driving force behind the piece would be lost and so the book would go unfinished. In the case where I am the book and my goal is my author, I would rather be completed and un-achieving than unwritten without a goal. As for my life time goal of sky diving, I’ll have a better chance of know what is going on than jumping out of any plane that isn’t on a tarmac. 

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