Monday, April 28, 2014

#24 Rhoman James

It's crazy to say that I'm preparing for my senior year in high school. These past 2 and 7/8 years at Henry Clay have taught me a lot, but as expected, there were a few trip ups. It all started with friends, and girl friends. When I was a freshman, I had the worst girlfriend ever. She made me stay up on FaceTime (well, Skype back in those days) way past my bed time. I always came to school tired and that led to a constant school sleeping pattern. This led to a display of the worst organization in freshman history. I'd say that was my biggest regret through high school. My biggest success...I must say, would either have something to do with football or my grades last semester. I've given up on trying to get all As because it never works, but last year my 3.7 was the closest I've been! But from here on I plan to have a great senior football season, get an offer from Johns Hopkins, go study psychiatry and minor in Spanish! and also have a beautiful wife but that is naturally implied.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Future-Rachel Hart

It's hard to believe that the end of junior year is nearly here. This year has definitely been the most different of my high school career. Last semester felt as though I was drifting through school without having to really push myself. Then came this semester, the work seemed to pile on but so did the days to the end of the school year. It's crazy to think that there is only a month or so left until we're seniors. Now I have to prepare for the four AP tests I'm taking and wait until summer is here. I'm actually really excited to begin on my mentoring project and I hope that I get a lot of it done this summer. I'm hoping for a senior year with as little stress as possible. I've selected classes that will prepare me for the next four years but at the same time I'm getting around to taking classes that I've wanted to take since freshman year.

The Future - Jasa Harris

My junior year started out pretty easy and I didn’t understand why people thought it was so hard, but then second semester came around and it has been the most stressful months of my life. So far I’ve been doing well in my classes, but then I got a job and it’s been hard balancing that and school now and all my other stuff so my grades have been slipping, but they’re still good. I’m learning to manage my time better and not to stress so much over stupid stuff, and just to worry about myself. I wish I would have done more to practice Spanish because I really do enjoy the subject, but because it was an easy class to pass I just kind of blew it off and didn’t try on the homework and stuff. This summer I hope to work on my mentoring project, work and I want to try something new like boxing or something else. For senior year I don’t really know.  

Assignment 24- Cassie Adams

Overall, I think my junior year has been a good one. Despite everyone saying that your junior year is the most difficult of them all, I have found it to be a lot easier than I had expected. Don't get me wrong, there have been a number of difficulties and challenges, but I think I've enjoyed the year as a whole. My main accomplishments this year have been maintaining my good grades and getting a good score on the ACT. The diffuclt part was managing my time wisely and balancing school with dance and other extracurricular activities. 
It's hard to believe that the end of the year is a little over a month away. I'm very excited for my senior year and all the new experiences and opportunities that will hopefully come about. I'm hoping that my classes will be a little challenging, but also enjoyable. Thinking about college and my future is a little stressful and intimidating, but also very exciting. 

Assignment 24 Junior Year Hannah Pauley

Successes? Created an art portfolio of at least 24 pieces, passed my classes with decent grades.
Failures? Not doing as well in my classes as I would like.
Lessons learned? Organization is very important. If you're as scatterbrained as I am, and you don't make lists and rank your priorities, you won't be as time-efficient and you'll probably forget something or have to scramble to get things done.
Risks taken? Signed up for 4 AP courses, including an art class that requires a lot of work and time outside of school.
Mistakes made? Mismanaging time, putting things off, and not asking for help were three things that I did this year that I won't do in the future. Sometimes the stress of feeling like you have too many responsibilities can distract you from calmly and rationally planning things out, and that definitely happened to me this year.
In the summer I hope to get a start on my mentoring project, do some volunteering, read, and spend a lot of time hanging out outside with friends.
I want my senior year to be productive, yet enjoyable. Junior year has been a lot, and I hope to have a senior year that is less overwhelming, but at the same time not too easy.
I've signed up for classes that I think I'll enjoy, and I'm going to make arrangements to work on my mentoring project during the summer, and also to volunteer at the Humane Society next fall. 

Assignment 25:

Minimum of 150 words - due on Sunday, May 12th at 11:59 pm

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Future- Lucy Wan

Junior year has been a series of ups and downs. I have a lot of regrets, but I've also had happy times. I don't think it's quite hit me that it's the end of the year. When I started this year, I didn't know what to expect. I've struggled with health problems and grades, but I've also had success outside of school. I've taken on more leadership roles and kept active with my clubs. My plans for summer are volunteering at Baptist Health Hospital, attending GSA, swim team, and a lot of just enjoying myself. Hopefully in senior year I'll be able to stop procrastinating and have fun. 

Perfect playlist- Lucy Wan


When I'm studying, or doing homework, or simply sitting around, I like to have background music playing. Listening to music helps me concentrate and relax. These are the five songs that I have running constantly in the background.

1. Somewhere- July
In one of my many YouTube binges, I discovered this artist named July. His songs are all piano with a simple beat, easy to listen to and not distracting. I really like the melodies of all his songs.

2. Peacock- DJ Okawari
Here's another artist I found randomly on YouTube. Peacock and Luv Letter by DK Okawari are always on my playlist because they're awesome instrumentals. The sax solo and beat in this song are great.

3. Almost is Never Enough- Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande is probably better known for her pop songs, but this is my favorite song of hers. Ariana and Nathan Sykes's vocals are so smooth, and I love the piano in this song. 

4. Say Something- Pentatonix
The original version of this song is upbeat and poppy, but for background music, I prefer the cover by Pentatonix. Pentatonix is one of my favorite vocal groups- you might recognize them from the Sing-Off. They're incredibly talented and this cover is no exception to the consistently great content they create.

5. Totoro Theme- Sungha Jung
By now, you've probably noticed I like quite a few artists from YouTube, so it's no surprise that I found this cover there as well. Sungha Jung has made countless covers, but this is probably my favorite. Growing up, Totoro was a staple in my movie collection. Jung is a talented guitarist, and the simple melody of Totoro's Theme is great to play in the background. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

#24 The Future- Haley Longworth

It's weird to think that junior year is nearing the end when if feels like I just started high school! I have definitely been successful in that I got all A's and one B, got a 32 on the ACT, and did well in volleyball. Despite all the good things this year has brought, I have learned some things. One, that I don't need to stress the little things that I can't change. It is no use to worry about things that are not in my control. Second, that I always feel best when I am positive and nice to other people. It helps build stronger friendships with people around you and makes you feel better. In the summer I plan to finish off my club volleyball season successfully, RELAX, sleep in, go to the pool, and have a lot of fun!!!! And I guess I will have to do all that summer reading stuff, including some leisure reading of course. Once senior year starts I plan to have a schedule that is not too difficult but still challenging so that I can be prepared for college. I am really excited for what the future holds, but I plan to live in the moment as much as I can.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Assignment 24: The Future Karl Werner

Junior year is almost over. Thank God. That is not an indictment of junior year by any means. Rather, school as a whole. Relatively, this year has been pretty good. I've had a lot of fun doing economics club. I signed up for EAP mentoring, and despite grading issues, its been a solid experience. The biggest thing I have learned is parking on the hill is hell. Getting there at 7:20 means you're near the bottom. Its ridiculous. Senior parking passes cannot come soon enough. This summer, I plan on working part time. I need to make some bank. Also, I want to get a significant portion of mentoring done. Finally, I hope to knock out all my volunteer hours at UK hospital as I usually do. My goals for the time being involve college acceptance. I want to get my ACT up a few points. I plan to take some practice tests to accomplish this. Other than that, I'm just going where the wind takes me.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Perfect playlist- Hans Stromberg

People always ask me what my favorite type of music is and usually my answers vary from country to rap and R&B. But when I really think about it, I realize that I really like rock music more than any other. This playlist is for when you just need a classic rock&roll song to remember back in the good ole days and just make you feel better.
1.Float On- Modest Mouse. Float on is a great song to get you back up on your feet after being kicked down. Keep on going through life because all is going to be ok in the end. This song adds to my playlist because it will help you get through rough times and will motivate you.
2. The Middle- Jimmy Eat World. This song is fairly similar to float on in terms of the message it tells. "Every thing will alright" the song says, and the electric guitar playing throughout the song is truly remarkable.
3. All summer long- Kid Rock. This song attributes most to the reminiscing on good times and taking you back to those good ole days. The  beat in this song is very catchy and sticks in your head as you remember back to when, "my thoughts were short, and my hair was long."
4.I love rock and roll- Joan Jett. A classic rock and roll song that just gets your soul feeling good. The awesome lyrics and tempo can make any person in any mood feel good about themselves and the world. This song just makes you want to, "put another dime in the jukebox baby."
5. Piano Man- Billy Joel. What a classic song. Every time you hear this song you can't help but to sway back and forth and sing along to Joel's sweet singing. The lyrics also talk about the hardships of people's lives and how everything will be okay.

Perfect Playlist-Rachel Hart

This playlist is created for for going into a competition. It's meant to get you focused for the competition.  I often use this playlist before I enter the ring at an agility trial to calm my nerves and get ready to run. 

1. Roar by Katy Perry. I think this song embodies those moments when you're feeling like the underdog who is ready to prove themselves. With lyrics such as "Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar" and  "I went from zero, to my own hero", it's motivating in even the hardest of competitions. 

2.We are the Champions by Queen. How can you have a competition playlist without this song? While it may be cheesy, it's perfect to describe the feeling. Once all the hard work is over this is the song you want to be listening to because hopefully you've won the competition and can celebrate.  

3.The Climb by Miley Cyrus. This song is fairly specific to agility but could be applied to other competitions as well. In agility, there are lots of obstacles in which your dog must climb and get over so the climb part of the song fits perfectly. However, the overcoming of obstacles part of the song can be applied to any competition in your life. 

4.On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons. This song also describes the feeling you have when you win. I think this song also has a bouncy beat which helps to calm my nerves before I compete. If I go in with a lighter mood, I normally do better.

5.It's Time by Imagine Dragons. Another song that helps to calm the nerves of competition. "It's time to begin isn't it?" This lyric is often in my head when I enter the ring because it's at the end of the playlist and it means it's time to start the run. 

The Perfect Playlist-23-Will Atkins

It's 8:00 in the evening. I finished school at 3:15, then went to my least favorite activity, Track practice, until 5:00. From there I go work out at LEX Fitness to work on the rest of my body. Great. It's now 6:30. Oh wait, now it's time to go to church for youth group. Fantastic, I don't even get to eat dinner in between. It's now the aforementioned 8 o'clock. It's a 15 minute car ride home. Then I get to start my homework. How in the hell am I going to motivate myself.


1.  "All Me" -Drake. This song talks about how I've done it all myself, and that I've gotten no help, and after a day like I go through it's nice to be reminded that I didn't get sh** for help along the way. Cause I made it this far with no help, I can go a little further and kick the crap out of this AP Calculus homework.

2. "Rick As F***"-Lil' Wayne ft. 2 Chainz. Few things motivate me to do stuff. One, is money. Will, go pick up sticks. No. Will, I'll pay you $5. How many trashcans you want? So when I hear about me and my FRIENDS living it big. I want to do that. How do I get there? I go to my room and hit the books so I can get good grades and get into a good college and get a good, high-paying job. BAM. Motivation.

3. "Pursuit of Happiness"-Kid Cudi. This song simply speaks about people trying to get in your way and trying to stop your, "Pursuit of Happiness." I love it when I have something pushing me and getting in my way. I react like, "nah, you ain't gonna f*** with me. Let's go." That's the way this song makes me feel every time I listen to it.

4. "The Man"-Aloe Blacc. This song is just awesome and it talks about how awesome I am. It says I'm the god d*** man and nothing is gonna stop that from being the case. It doesn't have the fasted beat, it's really more of a blues/R&B feel to it, but the lyrics just make me feel like I can do anything.

5. "Trophies"-Drake. Here I could of put a very obvious song like, "Started From the Bottom," but instead I chose this song because of a simple few lines. "If I was doing this for you, I'd have nothing left to prove, no. This for me though, I'm just tryna stay alive and take care of my people. And they don't have no award for that. Trophies. Sh** don't come with trophies." Enough said. Motivation.

Assignment 24: The Future

You're done!  - well almost
Your Junior year (nearly) OVER.
Tell us about it.
Successes? Failures? Lessons Learned? Risks taken? Mistakes made? What will you do in the Summer?  What do you want for your Senior year? How do you plan to reach your goals?

Minimum of 150 words - due on Sunday, April 27th at 11:59 pm

Saturday, April 12, 2014

fictional charicter daniel horne

I would probably be Ben Skywalker who is the son of Luke Skywalker if you have read the "Expanded Universe" you know who I mean. Any way I would be him because he is pretty BA. It would be pretty sweet to be a Jedi because you would have a light saber which is a saber made of light. Plus I am almost certain that he will have Allana Solo as his apprentice in the up and coming trilogy which would be pretty sweet. Plus I would not have to go to school because I would be a Jedi and life would be like super simple all I would have to do is kill some people every now and then and I would spend the rest of my time meditating or something. Plus think of all the cool stuff you could do with Jedi powers. so that is why I would be Ben Skywalker plus space travel and all would be fun.    
Highwayman by Kris Kristofferson, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson
This would be first because I quite simply really like the song and it has a great theme and lyrics. It is quite possibly my favorite song of all time and I would make the play list around it which is why it is first. 
Next would be Smoke Mountain Rain by Ronnie Milsap
This would be next because the style is about the same as Highwayman but a bit more upbeat which gives my playlist a good rising part science all good playlists should rise and fall. this is also a good transition out of the "outlaw country" music of my first song.
 My third song would be It Must Be Love by Don Williams
this would complete the rising action of the list and is a full transition out of "outlaw country" which helps lead into my next song. I like this song because it is very up beat but still sounds very much like the country music I like.
Fourth would be Someone Like You by Adele
This would be a quick drop giving my playlist the up and down feel. I like this song a lot it is one of the only modern songs that actually has thought out lyrics and sounds beautiful.
Finally would be Into The West by  Annie Lennox
This is a ridiculously beautiful song and is at the end of one of the greatest movie trilogies ever which is why it holds the final spot in my play list.

Daniel Horne Right now

Based on the theory of infinite probability at this very moment, somewhere in the universe someone who looks exactly like Daniel Horne is sitting at a computer exactly like this one writing a blog with the exact same prompt as this one with the exact same music in the background playing off of a YouTube page with the exact same address and IP as the one I am listening too now. And he has the same annoying blister on his hand that he got while putting mulch in the flower beds because their are no gloves that fit him in the house other then the ones he uses for hunting that he did not want to use because then they would smell like mulch and all the deer would run away from him. That is what is going on some where in the universe right now.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Future 24 - Zac Byrd

From all the snow days we’ve had junior year is close to being over but not close enough.  This year was a big year for me.  This year I was able to balance swimming and trumpet with the hardest year of high school.  I’ve started my college search early and already have a good idea of where I’ll be going.  But I’ll be shadowing different occupations this summer to see if I can narrow my options for a major.  This year I learned that sometimes I overwhelm myself with too much, and that’s what ends up stressing me out down the stretch. And I also learned to not rely too heavily on my homework grades to get me an A in a class because in college it’s all tests and a few other things.  This summer I will lifeguard again, and study for the ACT.  With such a busy junior year I wasn’t able to study for arguably the most important test of my life or at least my high school life.  Senior year I want to place number 1 in state for both Henry Clay free relays, and I want to make a really good impression on my college trumpet auditions.  I would also like to be able to read chord changes for jazz and get a couple points higher on the ACT.  I’ll just have to keep doing what I’m doing and a little bit more.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Fictional Character: Lucy Wan

If I could be any fictional character, I would be Mulan. I know this is a stereotypical choice, but Mulan was my childhood hero. The Disney version may not be a politically correct rendering of ancient China and the real-life Mulan, but the message she teaches is valuable. Mulan is, frankly, a badass. She doesn't fit into the norm of society, but she proves her worth outside of those boundaries. Who needs to be a princess when you can be the hero of all of China? Mulan taught me to be brave, courageous and strong, but most of all, she taught me that beauty comes from within. 

Perfect Playlist Jania Stevenson

This playlist is something to listen to after you've had a really good day

1)  Backseat Freestyle by Kendrick Lamar
This song has a great beat, plus the lyrics talk about feeling amazing and "your mind being on cloud nine" making it the perfect song to listen to after you've had a really good day

2) Ugh by Berner
 This song talks about everything just being really good, making it a good song to listen to when you're feeling good because you can sing along and relate to it

3) Double Cup by DJ Infamous
This song again has a pretty good beat and the lyrics talk about a night anyone would want to have, which is something you might want to have follow your amazing day

4) Keep it Pushing- Finatticz
This song makes you want to get up and dance and it makes you want to ignore the haters that want to ruin your day

5) It Was A Good Day by Ice Cube
This one is pretty self explanatory and I put it last on the list because it kind of helps you reflect on all the things that happened to help lead up to and create your amazing day

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Right Now Jania Stevenson

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe a person has taken their last breath. Somewhere a father, a mother, a sister, or a friend has just caught their last glimpse of this beautiful planet we live on. They might have been able to live their life to the fullest, but they also might have left unexpectedly, with their lives not being lived they way they wanted it to be. They could be surrounded by people right now or they could be completely alone, nobody knowing that their loved one is dead. Their families could be living their lives, not even knowing that the person they love is no longer with them. They could have been murdered, died of disease, or simply died of natural causes. No matter what, death is a scary and sad thing and hopefully who ever has died right now is in  a better place.

Fictional Character Jania Stevenson

If I could be any fictional character I would love to be Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Mermaids are beyond awesome and on top of that Ariel is gorgeous with an amazing voice. Once she became human (I don't understand why anyone would want to do that) she was immediately invited into the castle of a prince who let her stay there for three days, which is pretty cool. I would love to just chill in a castle for a couple days with servants bringing me stuff whenever I wanted. Also she gets to marry prince Eric, who isn't that bad looking. Once she got married she basically became the ultimate princess too since her father is king of the sea and she married Eric on land to become a princess there too. Then she got to live happily ever after! So all in all Ariel's life is pretty awesome, which is the reason why I would want to be her.

blog 23 Jonathon Humphries

My perfect playlist for life

1.     Don’t Fear the Reaper- Blue Oyster Cult
I like to Begin at the end and at the end we all die. Its important to acknowledge this while living otherwise the end sneaks up on you. Some find this morbid; I find it motivational. Regardless, I absolutely LOVE this song for a myriad of reasons. It needs more cowbell though.

2.     The Mighty Fall- Fall Out Boy & Big Sean
For some reason I’ve been super into their recent album, Save Rock & Roll. This song in particular is one of my favorites on the album as a whole though (which is saying something because I like all of them quite a bit). The lyrics are a deceptive critique on love and how it brings ruin in its wake. This message coupled with Fall Out Boy’s style gets stuck in my head for weeks and is a valuable addition to my playlist just the message is valuable in life.

3.     The Pretender- Foo Fighters
Besides being kick ass, the pretender is important. It condones being the pretender that’s out of place, the anomaly that has its place. You don’t often find a song that confronts the listener like this one does, which is sad because we all should pretend to be ourselves more instead of pretending to be something we aren’t.

4.     Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High- Artic Monkeys
 A guy gets wasted and goes on a drunken Odyssey filled with monsters of the mind in order to try and win back his “girl”. Needless to say that at 3 in the morning it’s not a good idea to stumble to your ex’s house and beg for her back. This tale of failure raises the idea of being inadequate in a semi-comical manner. Its in no way laugh out loud material, but it lessens the blow of its’ rough message with clownish characteristics. For example its title is rapidly pronounceable and complex in a way that makes me giggle a little.

5.     Ghosts- The Presets
             Ok so I kinda lied. I also like to end at the end as well as begin at the end. That’s what life is all about right; the repetitive cycle of beginnings and ends? At least that’s what this beat heavy song is about. It evolves from verse to verse detailing a man changed by time as he conquests afar. Throughout his life he is haunted by ghosts, these ghosts are his regrets. They haunt him so clearly because hindsight is always 20/20 and because all we really have is our past. Our future is forever shortening, our present is as ephemeral as passage of time itself, but our past is solid. Its literally written in stone, forever solid and stable. It anchors us to the past and haunts us to our own graves. That’s why there is a pressure to make our past cherishable, everyone wants to look back on life and admire their handy work, nobody wants to look back and see ghosts.

Perfect Playlist - Jasa Harris

Everyone is going to get a job eventually, but the most nerve-racking part of getting a job is getting through the interview. It’s important to stay confident and positive during this stressful time so this is the perfect playlist before a job interview.

Mama Said Knock You Out by LL Cool J: This song will give you the confidence you need heading into your interview because “over the competition, you’ll be towerin”. You’ll feel ready and not nervous when you enter because you know you got it.  

I Believe I Can Fly by R. Kelly:  This song will also give you some confidence before a big interview. It tells you that you can reach new heights if you believe in yourself and this will motivate you to do well in your interview.

Remember You by Wiz Khalifa: This song prepares you too because for highly competitive jobs you’ll need to stand out, and often times the interviewer is “only here for one night”, so you’ll need to have a lasting impression on them in order to get the job.

Do it Like You by Diggy: This song will remind you that everyone trying to get the job is probably just as qualified as you, but this song also reminds you they aren’t nearly as good as you, so this song also adds some confidence.

Better in Time by Leona Lewis: Unfortunately you can’t win everything all the time, so this song humbles you and teaches that things will get better with time so you can be ready and positive for the next interview that comes. 

Right Now: Lucy Wan

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe...
An old man is dying. The hospital smells of bleach and death, something he has always hated. It is clean, too clean, and the blinding flourescent lights make his sickly skin appear almost translucent. His room is buzzing with the constant in and out of doctors and nurses, but the man has never felt more alone. He has no wife, no children to keep him company in his dying hours. Only the drone of the machines and the unsteady beep of the heart monitor fill the silence. He slips in and out of consciousness, unaware of the nurse who slips quietly behind the flimsy privacy curtain. It is past visiting hours, and she, half-changed from her scrubs, should not be there. Her husband and toddler await her at home, but she wants to linger at the bedside of this stranger a little longer. She reaches carefully for his hand; the wrinkled skin and slim fingers feel fragile in her delicate grasp. She watches the shaky rise and fall of his chest as she settles into the plastic hospital chair for the night.

No one should have to die alone.

Sydney Smith- Blog #23 (Perfect Playlist)

The following is the "perfect playlist" for a long and otherwise unbearable car ride. It's supposed to make you feel both happy and sleepy (good for a long car ride, definitely.) Good thing there's music to make car rides more enjoyable!

1. "Keep Your Head Up" by Ben Howard
This song is definitely a road trip song. It's got a happy sort of feel with llively acoustic guitar in the background. Ben Howard has an amazing voice, and some awesome guitar skills- kind of sounds like you're at a campfire or something (...but in the car)

2. "Hello. I'm in Delaware" by City and Colour
The song kind of lulls you to sleep and makes you feel happy in the same way that the last one did. In addition to that, it also includes some driving- themed lyrics such as "I'll keep on driving these dark highway lines."

3. "After the Storm" by Mumford& Sons
This song is sort of mesmerizing, and is just calming. You could probably listen to it on repeat for hours in the car and not realize it. The vocals are brilliant (obviously singers always sound cooler with accents.)

4. "Firewood" by Regina Spektor
The gentle piano and the outstanding voice of Regina Spektor are awesome in this song. I could definitely fall asleep while listening to this song (and have many times.) "The piano is not firewood yet... but the cold does get cold, so it soon might be that." It is interesting to try and figure out the meaning of this song- there could be several interpretations.

5. "Already Home" by A Great Big World
This is one of the great songs on A Great Big World's most recent album, and is for some reason overpowered by "Say Something". It has the same feel as the rest of this playlist, and has some great lyrics like "When you're scared and alone, just know that I'm already home"

Sydney Smith- Blog #22 (Fictional Character)

When I was in elementary school, I loved to read books by the famous children's author Andrew Clements. My favorites were No Talking, The Report Card, A School Story, and Frindle. Every time I read one of his books, I fell in love with the characters and decided that I wanted to be just like them. My all- time favorite was probably the main character of the book A School Story. She did something that was my dream for a very long time- she wrote a novel, sent it to a publisher, and then had it published. My favorite part was the process she went through. Her best friend was her agent, her best friend's dad was her lawyer, and her teacher transferred her money from the bank so she could get it done. The whole thing seemed like such an adventure to me: she wrote the book, made sure her mom (a publisher) was assigned to it, and then ensued a dramatic and multi- faceted plot (especially for my young mind) that was absolutely stunning. She was definitely my idol.

Sydney Smith- Blog #21 (Somewhere in the Universe...)

Somewhere in the universe...

In the vast expanse of the universe, there exists a tiny speck of being that is the Milky Way galaxy. If you zoom in about a thousand trillion times, you can just barely make it out. Zoom in even further (no... even further), and you see the beautiful planet we call Earth- our home. Zoom way in- as far as you possibly can, and you'll see an average suburban household in the midwest of a country called the United States of America. A nice brick house sits prettily, with a concrete sidewalk leading out to a small black mailbox. A basketball goal sits on the sidewalk at the end of the driveway, and the repeated pounding of the ball on the pavement is the only noise audible in the neighborhood. As the sun sets, a child is out playing by himself, envisioning a crowd, teammates, and (most importantly) opponents for himself. He smiles as the ball swooshes through the net and the invisible crowd roars. He falls into the grass and his imaginary teammates and coaches storm the court and fall on top of him. He lies there in the cool grass for a minute with a smile on his face, then hops up and starts the game over- this time, he'll win by even more!

Assignment 21- Cassie Adams

Right now, there is very large group of teenagers in Lexington, Kentucky who are dreading getting up at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning. After a week of sleeping until noon and spending their days as they please, it's unfortunately time to go back to reality. Time to trade in the swimsuits and sunscreen for notebooks and heavy backpacks. Some of them might be packing up their sand filled suitcases and catching a flight back home. Others might be enjoying the last few fleeting hours of spring break outside on their front porches or out in the not-so-terrible, sort of sunny weather. Still others are probably catching up on all of the calculus and English homework that was assigned well over a week ago. (Guess which one of the three I am.) But I can guarantee that we all have one thing in common. None of us want to go back to school tomorrow. 

Assignment 22- Cassie Adams

If I could be any fictional character, I would choose Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. I feel like this is a pretty typical answer, but it isn't hard to see why. First of all, she attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and lives in a world full of magic, which is a dream in and of itself. Known as the "brightest witch of her age", Hermione is intelligent, hardworking and determined, which are all admirable qualities. She goes on many adventures, at times life threatening, and is often the one of the golden trio to save the day with her knowledge and quick thinking. (As Ron once said, "We wouldn't last two days without her.") On the outside, she seems a sweet and shy girl, but she is actually sort of badass. (Remember when she punched Draco Malfoy in the face?) And on top of it all, she ends up with Ron Weasley at the end of the series, which is a pretty sweet deal in my opinion. 

Assignment 23- Cassie Adams

The perfect playlist for lying in your backyard on a sunny day and pretending you're at the beach 

1. Anna Sun by Walk the Moon
I chose to begin the playlist with this song because it is upbeat and generally reminds me of summer. It has a pop sound while still being a little indie rock
2. Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club 
This song is another upbeat one. I like the song because it has an catchy melody and is very interesting lyrically
3. Girls by The 1975
This is my favorite song by one of my favorite bands, so of course I had to include it. The guitar driven melody is extremely catchy and the lead singer's unique voice adds as interesting element to the song 

4. Diane Young by Vampire Weekend
I love this song because it has a very unique melody and beat. This band sticks with the indie rock theme and like The 1975, has a very distinct sound and style. 

5.  Harlem by New Politics 
In my opinion, this is a song that just makes you want to get up and dance. It's upbeat and exciting and has a really catchy hook that gets stuck in your head, but in a good way. 

Assignment #23

Pump up playlist (before games or competitions)
1. Fort Minor- Remember the Name: This is a really upbeat song that really gets you pumped up to go out there and take it to your opponents. To make them "remember the name".
2. Written in the Stars: This is another upbeat Hip-hop song that really gets you going. It makes me feel like me or my team is destined to win.
3. Eminem- Not Afraid: This song really gets me going before a game because the lyrics make me feel invincible like no one can stop me and I won't back down from any challenge.
4. Wiz Khalifa- Work Hard, Play Hard: This is a song that really gets me going before practice or before workouts because I know that If I work hard and practice hard during the off season then my play during games will improve.
5. Journey- Don't Stop Believin': I know this sounds corny but I really like listening to this song because it is a classic and one of my favorites. It teaches to always keep trying and believing no matter how bad things look right now.

Assignment #22

If I could be any fictional character from any book then the choice could not be easier for me. I would definitely be Harry Potter. If I was Harry Potter I could do whatever I wanted. I would never have to walk, run, drive, or fly anywhere. I could just apparate. Also I would be the chosen one and I could use that as an excuse for anything. My teachers would ask me why I hadn't done homework and I could just say "well I'm the chosen one". Yes the task of defeating Lord Voldemort would be difficult but I've already read all the books so I would know where to find the horcruxes and the deathly hallows. I could also do everything else that wizards are able to do like go to Hogwarts and play quidditch. Harry potter is by far the best fictional character and I think it would be a lot of fun to live his life.

Assignment #21

Right now somewhere in the universe international teams are preparing for the world cup in the summer in Brazil. The Brazilian and Spanish coaches are teaching their players the newest diving and flopping techniques so that they can both try and cheat their way to the finals. The German coaches  are teaching their players the art of scoring a garbage goal in the last minute of play when the game is tied. They also spend half their practice on penalty kicks. Meanwhile the England coaches are arguing with FIFA to allow them to bring a bus onto the field and park it in front of the goal. Also the Dutch coaches are improving Robben's flopping techniques and his ability to choke in the finals. They are also improving Van Persie's ability to miss from two yards and his ability to not score for the national team. That is what is probably happening right now somewhere in the universe.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Assignment 23 Alexander Reese

Perfect Playlist for getting back up.

I'd start it off with a good old Kaskade song. "Ice (Kaskade's ICE mix ft. Dada Life and Dan Black)" Kaskade is one of my favorite House producers and this song in particular is more of a toned down and chill song. It is from his album Fire & Ice which has the same 10 songs twice, but different versions. Really unique.

Next I'd have "Nothing Inside" by Sander van Doorn ft. Mayaeni. One of my favorites, it is slower for most of the song but does pick up a bit and has a very nice melody.

My all time favorite song would be next. "Room For Happiness (ICE mix)" by Kaskade is an incredibly slow song by my standards and very chill. It has a great message as the name would suggest and always picks me up. This song is pretty much the turning point in the playlist, being a sadder tempo so to speak, but a happier message.

Next up, I would have "Raise Your Weapon (Madeon Remix)" by Deadmau5. Madeon is one of my music idols, being only 19 years old and already incredibly popular and Deadmau5 is a pretty cool dude. The Madeon remix is just a little bit more upbeat than the original and has some incredibly compelling parts.

To finish up the list, I would add Nadia Ali's "Rapture" because it's a song that has always made me happy for some reason. The accompanying music video is what really seals the deal for me because she just looks incredibly happy. Her smile brightens up my day and I always associate that with the song.

Assignment 22 Alexander Reese

      If I could be any fictional character, I'd be Golan Trevize from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series (James Bond having already been taken). He is the final decision maker for the fate of the galaxy. He can choose between the First Foundation, Second Foundation and Galaxia. The First Foundation is a society that dominates through sheer technological advancement. The Second Foundation is basically a secret society that rules by adjusting people's minds. Galaxia would be a super organism spawning from the current Gaia. Gaia is somewhat of a network of everything, living or not, on the planet Gaia. They are one organism but can expand to encompass the whole galaxy should Trevize choose them. In addition to all this, he's a pretty suave space traveller and seems to be pretty popular with the ladies. Using his extremely advanced gravitic ship, he uses hyperspatial jumps to cover great distances in his search for earth (which led him to Gaia who had already arranged this).

Assignment 21 Alexander Reese

Right now, the earth is hurdling through space at absurd speeds. Space is one of my favorite subject areas, and one I feel is often forgotten in some senses. For example, very few people seem to consider that the earth is just a floating island in a sea of nothingness(?). Space is so busy it seems like, quasars pulsing, galaxies spinning, and stars forming/ending. Space is so full of mysteries. There is dark matter and energy, black holes, and possible extraterrestrial life. So many little things are coming together to form massive structures like Milky Way. The Milky Way is over 100,000 light years in diameter. If you don't think that's the coolest stuff, you can leave. The somewhat scary thing is that it doesn't even stop there. The Milky Way is a part of the Virgo Supercluster of galaxies. The Virgo Supercluster is over 40 million light years in diameter. Someday, we'll hopefully travel outside even this ridiculously large structure. I would personally be pretty happy to be able to travel outside of my own planet within my lifetime.

Assignment 23- Chelsea Southworth

Whether you're doing your Calculus or embarking on a dangerous quest to bring down an evil overlord, background music is essential motivation. What follows is a perfect playlist of score music to make anything you're doing seem urgent, exciting, and, most importantly, dramatic.

1. This is Berk- How to Train Your Dragon
Beginning slowly and sweetly, this song will take you from any emotional state up to one of high excitement. The main theme combines triumphant brass, booming Viking vocals, and furious strings, evoking the feel of being locked in battle with ferocious dragons. This is the perfect song to begin with; it builds excitement excellently.

2. Wolves- Frozen
Now that you're pumped up and ready to go, Wolves gives a more ominous and urgent tone to your listening experience. Intensely spiraling strings of notes and a persistent tempo lend an air of insistence to this piece, which plays while Anna and Kristoff fight off the pack of wolves chasing them down. High-noted tremolos only add to the eerie urgency.

3. Main Title- Game of Thrones
The climax of your dramatic efforts deserves a beautiful and exciting song such as this one. Strings introduce the harmony and are joined by a single, gorgeous cello on the melody. Strength builds as a viola, then the orchestra, then voices join the cello on the melody, all while being backed by the powerful cascading harmony. If the Game of Thrones theme doesn't make you want to jump out of your seat and start swordfighting, I don't know what will.

4. I Am the Doctor- Doctor Who
This song is a must on any dramatic playlist; it's what always plays in the background while the Doctor takes down that week's foe (usually with a monologue of epic proportions). With it's complex stringed harmony and the hints of techno sounds, the stage is set for the chorus of voices that sings triumphantly of the Doctor's arrival and imminent victory; you'll have trouble not singing along yourself.

5. Mhysa- Game of Thrones
You want to end your experience with excitement but with a sweeter sense of calm- Mhysa accomplishes both of these. The gently rising vocals ultimately lead up to a worshipful chorus as Daenerys is raised onto the freed slaves' shoulders and proclaimed mhysa (mother). The intensity of the previous songs doesn't fade, but the effect is much more joyous with this song. 

Assignment 21 - Kyle Luo

So recently I started watching House of Cards, and it made me realize how little we actually know is going. This definitely holds true for many things, but I think that it is applicable to the happenings in the world of politics. One of the first things that you see from House of Cards is that there is so much stuff that happens underneath the table. It's quite popular to say that politicians are all hiding something, and while I don't think that it is all as dramatized as House of Cards makes it out to be, I believe that is true. Also, while there exists countless farfetched conspiracy theories floating around the internet, I do think that right now the government is quietly trying to sweep something under the rug from us. The general public only knows what the media tells us, so this wouldn't actually be that hard.

Assignment 22- Kyle Luo

If I was able to live as any fictional character, I'd have to say that James Bond would take the cake. What boy did not have dreams of working as a spy, going against the odds in impossible missions and pulling off daring escapes? On top of all that, James Bond is just smooth. He handles every situation like a boss and always has that sort of swagger/flair to him. "Shaken...not stirred." "Bond.. James Bond." He just sounds like he is "the man": there's no other way to describe it. He gets all the women too, which is just an added bonus. It'd also be intriguing to be able to try out those fancy, next-level gadgets that he always seems to get. Working as a spy and being James Bond would definitely have its difficulties, but I think that those hardships would also be part of what makes being a spy even more exciting.

Assignment 21: Obama's being a commie -Hannah Pauley

Right now, somewhere in the universe, a civilian is being shot at the hands of our communist president. Obama's cold, metallic limbs (commonly known as "drones") work under the guise of anti-terrorism to commit acts of violence against the innocent and free. Right now, somewhere in the universe, Obama is using his supposed executive powers to murder without repercussion, to take lives without the weight of responsibility. Right now, somewhere in the universe, our country's great name is being sullied by the criminal acts of a man pushing his socialist agenda with covert operations and the use of impersonal, unmanned, weapons. Right now, somewhere in the universe, our security, and the security of our prosperity is being threatened by a man who wasn't even born here. Right now, somewhere in the universe, Nic Cage is rising to candidacy because of our falling political standards. Thanks Obama, you damned plumb fool.

Assignment 22: Junie B Jones (Hannah Pauley)

Of all the fictional characters I've ever read about, Junie B Jones has the sweetest life. Who wouldn't want to be a first or second grader forever? I don't think I'm the only one whose untainted memories of preadolescence haunt their every waking moment. When you're Junie B Jones, you don't have to rock back and forth and wish for the old days, you just live them. In Junie B Jones world, every day you gorge yourself on spaghetti and meatballs, lemon pie, and ice cream, and no one calls you a repulsive fatty. Every day is bananas; you play mean practical jokes on your friends, or just plain cheat them out of money. You deliberately disobey your parents, but who cares? Your mistakes don't build up and doom you to an inevitable downward spiral, you just pop out a few fake tears and all is reconciled. She might be a bit of a rabble-rouser, but Junie B Jones is no plumb fool. She takes care of herself, doesn't worry about others, and would never let a rooster pluck her head into a nub. What do you want me to do, not be Junie B Jones?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Assignment 23: Dorothy's playlist -Hannah Pauley

The topic for my playlist is for hanging out with my friend, Dorothy. The first song on the playlist would be Dexy's Midnight Runners' "Come On Eileen." This song reminds me of Dorothy because she just loves to wear overalls, and everyone featured in its music video has overalls on. We would listen to it on repeat while making pancakes on summer mornings. The second song I would put on the playlist is "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani. According to the lyrics, the singer "'aint no hollaback girl," and just the same, Dorothy is anything but a "hollaback girl." She deserves to be treated with respect by her peers, otherwise, it's just bananas. My third song on my playlist for spending time with Dorothy would be "No One's Gonna Love You" by Band of Horses. Our love is eternal, and I love her more than anyone ever could, just as the lyrics describe. Also, the song is slow and beautiful, relaxing to listen to, as Dorothy is when she talks. The fourth song would be "My Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas. Her humps always have me feeling some type of way. Our personalities work perfectly together, as if I'm the theoretical milk and she's the cocoa puffs, as the lyrics sung by go. The fifth and final song would definitely be the theme to Star Wars composed by John Williams, because she is out of this world, and so is the setting of Star Wars, being in space and all. All in all, Dorothy is the greatest thing on this planet, and this playlist comes in a close second. I don't even need these songs to listen to, as music already plays in my head when I'm around her.