Monday, April 28, 2014

#24 Rhoman James

It's crazy to say that I'm preparing for my senior year in high school. These past 2 and 7/8 years at Henry Clay have taught me a lot, but as expected, there were a few trip ups. It all started with friends, and girl friends. When I was a freshman, I had the worst girlfriend ever. She made me stay up on FaceTime (well, Skype back in those days) way past my bed time. I always came to school tired and that led to a constant school sleeping pattern. This led to a display of the worst organization in freshman history. I'd say that was my biggest regret through high school. My biggest success...I must say, would either have something to do with football or my grades last semester. I've given up on trying to get all As because it never works, but last year my 3.7 was the closest I've been! But from here on I plan to have a great senior football season, get an offer from Johns Hopkins, go study psychiatry and minor in Spanish! and also have a beautiful wife but that is naturally implied.

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