Sunday, April 27, 2014

Assignment 24- Cassie Adams

Overall, I think my junior year has been a good one. Despite everyone saying that your junior year is the most difficult of them all, I have found it to be a lot easier than I had expected. Don't get me wrong, there have been a number of difficulties and challenges, but I think I've enjoyed the year as a whole. My main accomplishments this year have been maintaining my good grades and getting a good score on the ACT. The diffuclt part was managing my time wisely and balancing school with dance and other extracurricular activities. 
It's hard to believe that the end of the year is a little over a month away. I'm very excited for my senior year and all the new experiences and opportunities that will hopefully come about. I'm hoping that my classes will be a little challenging, but also enjoyable. Thinking about college and my future is a little stressful and intimidating, but also very exciting. 

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