Sunday, April 27, 2014

Assignment 24 Junior Year Hannah Pauley

Successes? Created an art portfolio of at least 24 pieces, passed my classes with decent grades.
Failures? Not doing as well in my classes as I would like.
Lessons learned? Organization is very important. If you're as scatterbrained as I am, and you don't make lists and rank your priorities, you won't be as time-efficient and you'll probably forget something or have to scramble to get things done.
Risks taken? Signed up for 4 AP courses, including an art class that requires a lot of work and time outside of school.
Mistakes made? Mismanaging time, putting things off, and not asking for help were three things that I did this year that I won't do in the future. Sometimes the stress of feeling like you have too many responsibilities can distract you from calmly and rationally planning things out, and that definitely happened to me this year.
In the summer I hope to get a start on my mentoring project, do some volunteering, read, and spend a lot of time hanging out outside with friends.
I want my senior year to be productive, yet enjoyable. Junior year has been a lot, and I hope to have a senior year that is less overwhelming, but at the same time not too easy.
I've signed up for classes that I think I'll enjoy, and I'm going to make arrangements to work on my mentoring project during the summer, and also to volunteer at the Humane Society next fall. 

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