Monday, April 14, 2014

Assignment 24: The Future Karl Werner

Junior year is almost over. Thank God. That is not an indictment of junior year by any means. Rather, school as a whole. Relatively, this year has been pretty good. I've had a lot of fun doing economics club. I signed up for EAP mentoring, and despite grading issues, its been a solid experience. The biggest thing I have learned is parking on the hill is hell. Getting there at 7:20 means you're near the bottom. Its ridiculous. Senior parking passes cannot come soon enough. This summer, I plan on working part time. I need to make some bank. Also, I want to get a significant portion of mentoring done. Finally, I hope to knock out all my volunteer hours at UK hospital as I usually do. My goals for the time being involve college acceptance. I want to get my ACT up a few points. I plan to take some practice tests to accomplish this. Other than that, I'm just going where the wind takes me.

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