Saturday, April 5, 2014

Assignment 22 Alexander Reese

      If I could be any fictional character, I'd be Golan Trevize from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series (James Bond having already been taken). He is the final decision maker for the fate of the galaxy. He can choose between the First Foundation, Second Foundation and Galaxia. The First Foundation is a society that dominates through sheer technological advancement. The Second Foundation is basically a secret society that rules by adjusting people's minds. Galaxia would be a super organism spawning from the current Gaia. Gaia is somewhat of a network of everything, living or not, on the planet Gaia. They are one organism but can expand to encompass the whole galaxy should Trevize choose them. In addition to all this, he's a pretty suave space traveller and seems to be pretty popular with the ladies. Using his extremely advanced gravitic ship, he uses hyperspatial jumps to cover great distances in his search for earth (which led him to Gaia who had already arranged this).

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