Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Assignment #25

One of my pet peeves for writing assignments is when the teacher gives you the assignment to write about whatever you want. I can never think about what I should write about. My mind just goes completely blank and eventually I’ll just sit there and start day dreaming because I won’t know what to write about. I might have some ideas floating around in my head but I never have enough to say about that topic to fill the word requirement. So, instead of actually writing about something interesting that my teacher might enjoy reading I end up rambling on and on and on and on about some pointless subject that is really uninteresting. Just like this blog. I couldn’t think of anything interesting to write about so I wrote about how I couldn’t think about anything to write about and how I hate these kinds of assignments. So I hope you enjoyed (probably not) my pointless rambling on this topic.

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