Friday, May 30, 2014

Hans Stromberg- Class review

AP English Language and Composition has been an interesting class all year, I’m not going to lie to Mr. Logsdon’s face; English is my least favorite subject. Personally I am a Math and Science type of guy and English finds itself at the bottom of the totem pole. With this being said, English this year has been completely bearable. I actually feel that my writing skills have improved dramatically just because of the amount of practice essays we wrote. If I were to change one aspect, it would be to continue the congress throughout the year because when we do it on turn it in, no one checks their peer reviews and then we don't get much out of the writing exersice. Also, you could take the multiple choice questions that were missed the most and have a short 5 minute lesson over that style of problem to help us with our multiple choice scores.

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