Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blog 24- Chelsea Southworth

This year was simultaneously the best and the worst. It was the worst for obvious reasons: AP classes and just plain work. Ugh. But I did a lot more this year than I have in the past; TIP over the summer, ComicCon in April, Shrek for what seems like the entire semester, and I came away from everything with new friends. After the traditional last-night iHOP breakfast at TIP, I couldn't stop crying (crying that eventually turned into blubbering noises one might associate with a whale or a dying cow). It was the last time I would get to go to camp and I had made so many amazing friends in that short time span that I might never see again; I was sure that nothing could compare to that soul-deep sadness I felt. Then Shrek ended.
As I told this to Grace on our way back to the dressing room, my words still punctuated with whale moans, she told me something surprisingly profound: yes I was sad now like I never thought I'd be again, but all that meant was that I'd keep making really close friends throughout my life. I might have to leave them, but there would always be amazing people in my future.

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