Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hans Stromberg- The Future

To think that I am pretty much ¾’s of the way through high school is an interesting thought. I am on the way down the high school hill and getting ready to go to college. Before I get ahead of myself, my junior year was full of different successes and failures. My biggest failure at the moment is my grade in AP chemistry, a class in which I pulled an A out just because the teacher is nice. This semester I have a solid B, which will only be my second in my illustrious high school career. If a miracle occurs and I get a 4 on my AP Chemistry test I will escape with an A but that is not something to get my hopes up about. Considering that is my biggest failure, other than losing in a playoff in regionals in golf, it has been a pretty easy going year. Not that my classes have been easy, I just have had great teachers to get me through. In the summer I will be working at Lakeside golf course and playing a lot of golf tournaments in order to try and achieve my biggest goal: getting a college golf scholarship. Next year will be fairly chill because my hardest classes will be in the subject that I am best at: Math. I will not have a sixth hour so I will be able to leave school early. The one thing I am most looking forward to is getting a parking pass so I can arrive at school at 8:20 every day and get almost an hour more of sleep every day.

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