Friday, June 6, 2014
Blog 26: Help Erin Holbrook
I hope that's not overly-critical. I tend to criticize more than praise even when I really like something. I hope this is helpful! Have a good summer, Mr. Logsdon.
Blog #25: Erin Holbrook
The wackiest thing about physics, I think, is that it all makes sense. Everything in the universe, all the chaos and randomness, can be boiled down to a handful of numbers. The universe isn't governed by just a few laws, it follows a very strict code. There are about 20 universal constants that keep popping up when physics meets mathematics. They're always there, in a spooky way. And not just these numbers, but others as well. Take the geometric series of 0, 3, 6, 12, 24... and then add four to each number and divide by ten. The result is 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.6, 2.8.... This set of numbers just so happens to be the ratio of distances between the planets and the sun. Mercury is .387 AU from the sun. Venus is .723 AU from the sun, Earth is 1 AU, and so on. This symmetry appears to be a coincidence, yet it is an incredibly exact proportion. There's only one word for it: strange. And that's what physics is, that is why I like physics so much. It is strange.
Blog #24 The Future Erin Holbrook
College is what I'm most looking forward to. As introverted as I can be, I'm really looking forward to going far away from where I live now and experiencing new things. I'm looking forward to the dorms, the roommates, the libraries, the classes, the research, and especially the cities. I'm looking forward to studying hard enough, AKA not procrastinating, that I have time to try new things. I'm looking forward to Graduate School and Research. I'm looking forward to getting a job that's not just a job, and to traveling as far and as often as I can. To infinity and beyond! I can't wait for the future to come.
Blog 23 Perfect Playlist: Erin Holbrook
I spend a lot of my time writing, and always find that music can help when the creative juices just aren't flowing. A perfect playlist for writing, for me at least, consists of:
1.)"Who Are You"by The Who
2.)"Eleanor Rigby"by the Beatles
4.)Marquez:"Conga del Fuego"
5.)"Me Voy"by Julieta Venegas
The first song on the list is a song that is just one of my personal favorites. It mainly serves as a good song to sing along to, so that one can wake up and start thinking before actually setting down to work. "Who Are You" is a catchy song that is very easy to sing along with. Eleanor Rigby is also a good song to just listen to, but it serves here the purpose of a transition between old rock music to classical instrumentals. Classical instrumentals are the best music to actually write to, because they help one to focus on writing gracefully, or at least intelligibly. Any of the Nutcracker tracks have strong music with which to write to, as does "conga del Fuego" and most other classical music. Finally, "Me Voy" is a fun, light song that is perfect for anytime. It's a good song to get around to when writer's block or any kind of frustration sets in because of it's light and airy, but still catchy, tune.
Blog #22: Fictional Characters: Erin Holbrook
The Doctor, for anyone who doesn't know, is a character from a popular British television show with a cult following. He is 1200+ year old Time Lord. Though he appears human, he is an alien. He can be killed, but he can also theoretically live forever, or very close to it. On top of that, he is not just clever but has the mental capacity to know just about everything (not to say that he does).A time traveler, he also knows everything that was, could have been, cannot be, is, will be, and can be. He takes with him his time machine, which can create endless rooms within itself and is essentially a mansion, and a sonic screwdriver, which makes just about anything he wants do whatever he wants (i.e. opens doors, hacks computers, makes ATM's give him money, etc.) Finally, he is not only unemployed but basically untouchable by any rule or regulation, and lives out his days doing whatever he wants to do, travelling anywhere in time and space.
Who wouldn't want to be the Doctor?
Blog#21: Right Now, Erin Holbrook
#25-Rachel Hart
#26-Help!-Rachel Hart
26- Lucy Wan
Help! Jania Stevenson
Blog 25 Jania Stevenson
The Future Jania Stevenson
Thursday, June 5, 2014
20- Lucy Wan
Zach Wolfe 21
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
19- Lucy Wan
Clearly I didn't learn anything about those two skills. However, what my chess coach told me one day has stuck with me. "Think three moves ahead." In chess, this meant that I would have to keep track of both my opponents and my pieces; I'd always have to predict their next steps. While I wasn't great at applying the concept to chess- I blame my 5th grade attention span- I think the advice can be applied to life. Obviously we live in the present, but remembering that the future can change anytime is comforting. I've made a lot of mistakes, but there's so many moves to make. The world is a wide open possibility just waiting for me to take a chance.
Zach Wolfe 26
Zach Wolfe 25
Zach Wolfe 24
Sydney Smith Blog #26
Sydney Smith Blog #25
Sydney Smith Blog #24
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Blog 26- Chelsea Southworth
Monday, June 2, 2014
The Future- Alexander Reese
Assignment 25 Hannah Pauley
Assignment 19 Hannah Pauley
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Assignment 26- Cassie Adams
Assignment 25- Cassie Adams
Assignment #26
Friday, May 30, 2014
Assignment 20 How to Make Friendship Bracelets
The Perfect Playlist - Jasa Harris
Hans Stromberg- Class review
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Blog 25- Chelsea Southworth
Blog 24- Chelsea Southworth
As I told this to Grace on our way back to the dressing room, my words still punctuated with whale moans, she told me something surprisingly profound: yes I was sad now like I never thought I'd be again, but all that meant was that I'd keep making really close friends throughout my life. I might have to leave them, but there would always be amazing people in my future.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
25- Lucy Wan
We are the roots from which trees grow
And why can't you see that
Love is the water that runs through our root systems
Interconnects us together
Somehow you don't seem to understand the word so I'll
Drag out a thesaurus
Scream out every synonym on the page
Pound these fading memories into your head
like math problems you'll do over and over again
and I'm not so good at math but I know
Anything divided by one is itself so stop trying to divide yourself
subtract the broken parts of yourself
You are no derivative taken from what you used to be
You are abstract art, trying to figure out what you want to be
A spoken word poem
that hasn't been edited, these words so raw
like a heart bleed in the snow
you know.
you know where I'm coming from
because you've been there already
We are not strangers to heartbreak and pain
We greet them with open arms,
like old friends,
because we've seen them over and over again
But we also know time,
and time heals all wounds
no matter how deep, how long,
how much hurt
And yes, these wounds will leave scars
but we will wear them as medals from battles with ourselves
We are not who you think we are
We are not strangers
So greet me with open arms
because I am an old friend
You can't stop yourself from seeing me over and over again
We are the seven-year-olds of years long past
Driving bumper cars made of glass
scared to move, afraid to
But I'll make the first move
play the white side, slide a pawn
space by space
Learn how to drive.
You're a Queen hiding in a castle
but the world is yours once you let the walls fall
So push every piece off the board;
topple your king, it doesn't matter anymore
That's not a surrender, that's the start of the real fight
But take off your armor
You are no black knight
You once told me that people are like rain
And if I am a drizzle, you are a hurricane
But it's okay that you are summer storm,
because I am winter rain
And this all shall pass.
#21 Right Now Haley Longworth
Right now somewhere in the universe... someone is trying something new. Whether it be trying a new food or dish from another country, skydiving for the first time, or learning how to fly a plane, new ideas and activites are being learned ever second. A quote that reminds me of this, by someone whom I dont remember, says that every person you meet knows something that you dont. Gaining new knowledge is a valuable thing, and is best done when you try something new. Even learning how to a simple task can open you up to a world of possibilities. Doing new things helps you find your passion, it shows you things you may not like to do, and it teaches you things about yourself. It builds character. So, someone in the world is trying something new that they may love or hate, but no matter what, they are learning.
kicking the bucket- daniel horne
Before I finish college I just want to get through college get a degree and such my whole goal for college is to have good grades and plenty of sleep. So I guess if it can get all A's one semester that would be great.
Before I die I would like to be the first to do something. I don't much care what it is but I think it would be cool because that can never be taken away from you. so if was something as big as being the first to prove the big bang really did happen or the first to eat 5 large pizzas in one sitting.
plastics- Daniel Horne
How to- Daniel Horne
Hans Stromberg- #25
Assignment #25
Will Atkins-26-Class Review
Zach Wolfe 23
Assignment #24
#26 Rhoman James
Will Atkins--25
Hans Stromberg- The Future
Assignment #20
Many americans today are facing the problem or being overweight or obese. I you think you could be headed down that road then follow these simple steps and you could be healthy and in shape in no time. The first aspect of your lifestyle that you need to focus on to become healthy is your diet. You won't be healthy if you're stopping by McDonalds every other day. I would reccomend to eat home cooked meals as much as possible. Make sure you eat enough vegetables like asparagus, broccolli, beans, etc. Once you have started to eat at home more and focused on what you're eating the next step to living a more healthylifestyle is to exercise more. You may not enjoy running or liftintg weights but exercise can be as simple as riding your bike somewhere or going on a family hike one weekend. Instead of sitting on the couch and watching TV you could go play basketball with your freinds. Also if you plan on exercising to stay healthy you need to find an activity that you enjoy so that you will continue to do it and not stop after a couple of weeks. Just follow these simple steps and you could be on your way to being healthier in no time.
#25 Haley Longworth
#25 Rhoman James
Will Atkins-The Future-24
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Blog 26 Enjoy JDH
#26 Help- Haley Longworth
2. Essay grading. I think when we discussed the essays in class and in person, it was much more effective than grading them online. When we had to type our comments, all I wanted to do was get the assignment done, rather than putting a lot of time and effort into them. Also, we never actually went over the essays that we put on turnitin, so it was not helpful to do it this way. Going over them in class is much more constructive.
3. Socratic Seminars. I feel like these were helpful with discussing texts and improving analytical skills, but I think the assignment of 150 words per question was a little too much. Although it is important to be prepared for the class discussion, I would make the responses to the questions a little shorter.