Sunday, August 25, 2013

Alexander Reese

Hello my name is Alex Reese. This year I'm hoping to not fail all my classes and maybe get a B in one or two! I've played lacrosse for Henry Clay for two years and somehow got to play for the playoff team even though I'm the worst. The shortest way I can describe myself is that I am a very strange person. My favorite kind of music is EDM (electronic dance music) like dubstep, trap, house, club, etc. Outside of school I don't do much besides watching Netflix, keeping a couple of hives of bees and playing video games. I have no idea what I want to be if I grow up because in all honesty I just want money. I do hope to live in Sweden or New Zealand or somewhere like that someday because they seem like nice places.

My favorite website is

This picture basically sums up my life.

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