Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Haley Longworth

My name is Haley Longworth. I love dogs and have four of my own, three of which are named after the Powerpuff Girls and the other named after a food. I enjoy relaxing, watching Netflix, relaxing while watching Netflix, spending time with friends and family, attending Crossroads Christian Church, and playing volleyball among many others. My favorite shows are Gossip Girl and the Vampire Diaries, both of which can be viewed on Netflix. I love to eat healthy and appreciate nature. I don't really know what "geeks you out" means, but I'm guessing it means what is something that makes you geeky. I'm going to say that health and nutrition facts do since I always want to know more. My favorite season is fall because I love the crisp air. wearing leggings and sweatshirts, pumpkins, Halloween, going to Evan's Orchard, and overall I just feel happy during this time. Although I love Halloween during the fall, my favorite holiday would have to be Christmas because it's the best time of the year and I love giving and receiving presents. On another note, during the school year my goals are to get all A's (maybe a couple B's) and to pass all the AP exams I am taking. I hope to have a great, exciting, and memorable junior year.

My favorite website: http://pinterest.com/
Picture: A very beautiful picture of nature that is also my laptop background.

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