Sunday, August 25, 2013

Zach Wolfe

My name is Zach Wolfe, and surprisingly most people spell it wrong. That's honestly one of my pet peeves. Most of the teachers I've had throughout the years spell it Zack or Zac. And you would not believe how many spell my surname Wolf. My own grandmother once gave me a Christmas ornament with Zack Wolff monogrammed on it. I can't stand the misspelling of my name. Anyway, some things I like to do are play soccer, play video games, spend time with my friends, etc etc. Normal teenage stuff. I enjoy making people laugh and I usually do this by being very sarcastic. Unlike a lot of American teenagers, I don't follow American football too much but I do follow European football, also known as soccer. My favorite European team is Arsenal FC. My good friend Kyle (also in second hour) is a big fan of Arsenal as well. My favorite video game series is definitely the Halo series. I really like the story line in the games. Being in the future and out in space while fighting multiple foreign races from other galaxies fascinates me. On a more serious note, my academic goals this year are to please my parents. I know the only way to do that is to get all A's but I already know that's not going to happen. I haven't done it since I started high school. My calculus class gives loads of work every night and I know I'm going to get lazy once we get to the middle of the semester, and last year I got B's in English because I'm not good at writing. The only AP test I'm worried about this year is English because the writing is actually being graded as writing whereas my psychology test last year was graded for content. I could've written a bullet point list if I wanted. My summer wasn't very well spent this year. I didn't really do much except play Xbox and see my friends every once in awhile. Then once July came I had to wake up at 5:30 every morning for soccer practice. I didn't go anywhere and I didn't read half the books I was supposed to for other classes. All in all my summer was boring and unproductive. If I had any superpower I would pick being able to turn into a dog. I would do this because dogs have easy lives, and that's what I want, an easy life. I could just lay around all day, be fed by others, dogs are usually loved very much, and I could go outside every now and then. The only thing I'd have to do is protect the house if someone broke in, which doesn't happen very often in my neighborhood. I also wouldn't have any responsibility like paying taxes or all the other payments you have to make when you're an adult like mortgages, car payments, insurance, etc. I would be set for life.

This is a picture of John 117 or Master Chief from the Halo games. He is the main character in the series and also the only Spartan soldier alive during the span of the games. Spartans are genetically engineered humans that are about 7 feet tall; can run faster and jump higher than any normal soldier; are much stronger than normal soldiers; and when wearing their full-body armor, weigh approximately 1000 pounds.

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