Sunday, August 25, 2013

Will Atkins

Hello good readers of this blog I am Will Atkins. The first thing I will tell you about myself is that I love money. This is why I got a job this summer. This is why I worked about 55 hours a week during the summer. This is why I refuse to buy anything from McDonald's that isn't off of their dollar menu. The second thing I can tell you is that both my brother and sister went through the academy. This causes numerous problems as some of my teachers think I'm as smart as my sister and some teachers think I'm dumber than a monkey hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat. This leads me into my next talking point: my academic and personal goals for the year. My brother and sister and I have always been competitive, therefore my first academic goal of the year is to get a 5 on the AP Psychology exam, (beating my brother's score) along with getting 5's on the AP English and AP Calculus exams so that my name will be on my teacher's walls just like theirs are now. My next goal involves athletics. My main conquest will be obtaining the Henry Clay Track & Field 2-Mile record so that my name will be next to my sister's. My secondary goal is to once again be the number one runner on the cross-country team and hopefully be team captain and MVP. To accomplish these goals I often ran during this blistering heat we called a summer. The other and most meaningful thing I did this summer was what I mentioned earlier. I made money. Whether it was working in the movie theater for minimum-wage for 8 hours a day or getting home and then working out in the yard for my parents, I was making bank as the kids say. What superpower would I have? That's easy for a runner to answer, super speed. It'd make my sports a lot easier. What geeks me out? Video games. People always tell me that I don't seem like the stay-up-all-night-gaming-type, but I am. My future purchases? Madden 25 this Tuesday. GTA 5 Sept. 17th. NBA 2k14 on October 1st. Yes, I know the dates. No, I did not even have to look them up.

Video: Throwback Karl Werner
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