Hi, I'm Erin. This year my goals are to get straight A's in my classes and 5's on my AP exams. When I'm not studying or working, I spend a lot of my time reading books and relaxing. My favorite book at the moment is
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino. Besides reading, Netflix and sleep are probably my two favorite things. What geeks me out? There is a long list. Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Supernatural are at the top. I also love to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer re-runs. I am also a big nerd academically. I honestly didn't know that
not doing homework was an option until I was at least Twelve. I also really enjoy horror movies. The only sport I've ever enjoyed watching watching is hockey, go Bruins! I also really get into celebrating holidays. No one can ever find their Easter baskets when I hide them; our house is often avoided on Halloween. I have one dog, Stripe, who has a Harry Potter-like birthmark. I also have a younger brother, who starts most words with the 'f ' sound. He has a thing for trucks.
That's pretty much all about me. I'm looking forward to a good year.
Favorite website:
And here is a fun picture of a cat dressed as Honey Boo Boo
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