Saturday, August 24, 2013

Jack Humphries

Hello to my fellow friends, classmates, and Mr. Logsdon. I would like to start off by saying that life is too short not to have fun. This mantra of mine guides my choice, and my actions so that I minimize the amount of time I waste. This isn't to say that I'm lazy though. Fun to me isn't always playing video games, hanging out with friends, or reading; Fun can be improving yourself, accomplishing goals, or just reflecting on who you are as a person. To me anything worth while is fun.

With this in mind I would like to tell you about how fun my summer was, and how fun I this upcoming school year will be.

I had a blast this summer for many reasons. One of them was golden retriever puppy we got right after finals week ended. Another reason was that I received my full license and with it freedom. The freedom to freely hang out with friends, and get as many chicken minis from chick-fil-a after a 6:30 in the morning practice as I wanted. With this new found freedom came various new expectations to be more mature, responsible, and studious. The last of these skills I hope to use effectively in the upcoming school year.

Junior year will be my hardest year but I'm not worried. My classes are entertaining, and the material that I'm learning is nothing new. I've had Spanish, English, History, Calculus, and Chemistry before which leaves Physics as the only "new" class I'm taking. I say "new" because physics is the real world application of calculus. Even though I am taking classes with subjects similar, or identical to the ones I took last year, I know I will find them fun and exciting since each teacher has a different style of teaching and every class has more information it can teach you.

<--- My golden retriever puppy Honey.
       (She's is usually not this peaceful)

My favorite website anniversary-of-pac-man

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