Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Assignment 21 Right Now Karl Werner

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe...Michael Bay is finishing up the new transformers film. This film, without a doubt, will be awful. Michael Bay's understanding of plot and character development is on par with my comprehension of particle physics. Explosions are not plot twists. Gargantuan, identical robots hissing and firing in a maelstrom of violence does not equal a story. However, this new movie is to include the Dinobots. And I freaking love the Dinobots. Grimlock is the greatest robot of all time bar none. He turns into a MFING T-REX AHHHHHH. Plus, new villains from older generations of transformers are primed to make a comeback (UNICRON MY BOY). I shouldn't be typing things like this my junior year of high school but whatever life is short. You might as well spend it watching massive machines morph into massive machine dinosaurs are wreak havoc. And eat sour patch kids while doing so.

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