Sunday, February 16, 2014

Will Atkins-20-How to

Hi! My name is Will Atkins! How are you today? I'm so glad you decided to tune into us today! Today, We'll be discussing....


Step 1: Give a crap.
While some may find this step counterproductive, through my research it can be shown that one cannot fully not give a crap without first comprehending the pain, suffering, and overall stupidity of giving a crap. Not giving a crap does not mean don't care about your grades. That is never the message. It's what people say about those grades that you should not give a crap about. I cannot tell you how many times I've gotten back a math test with anywhere from a 99 to a 92 (An "A") and had my parents not congratulate me but instead ask me, "so what'd you miss?" My thoughts before I started giving a crap? I better study more so I can seek their unachievable approval. This step is necessary for full ability of not giving a crap.

Step 2: Don't give a crap
This step can also be referred to as the, "in-one-ear-out-the-other," technique. Your peers don't like the way you dress? Nod to humor them and go to your happy place. You want to know mine? It's sitting at my computer watching How I Met Your Mother or playing Xbox. Being dead serious. An acquaintance of mine talked to me last week saying, "Hey Will do you remember the time when Alex made fun of your tie?" I didn't remember. Apparently he made the comment a few weeks before. I think I was playing Madden in my head.

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