Sunday, February 23, 2014

How To: SCUBA (Alex Reese)

So you want to go SCUBA diving? Well, you're going to need a couple of things. You'll need a BCD, octo, regulator, alternate regulator, fins, snorkel, mask, tank, weights, and a buddy. The fun part is, you're still nowhere near ready. You need to go get certified at your local PADI certified dive shop! Lucky for you there's one right near the mall. Once you pick a destination to dive and have arrived, you'll want to assemble all of your gear and most importantly, turn on your air. Now that you've got all that, you're ready to go diving! You can pretty much just walk into the water at certain locations, but others you'll have to jump off a boat. Now for the most important step, go enjoy the wildlife and scenery. Anything from sunken ships to my hopes and dreams could be down there. Once you're ready to come up, you might want to learn how surface. Slowly ascend, making sure to wait for an extra long period at along around 15 feet. After that just go on up and hope the boat didn't decide to leave you because you give terrible tips.

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