Sunday, February 23, 2014

Somewhere in the Universe Jonathon Humphries

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe is the key. It’s not the key to a door, unless that door leads to understanding, and it’s not a key to a lock, unless that lock is ignorance. The key isn’t singular in a location, unless you count everywhere as a single location, and it isn’t real in the sense that it exists. To explain, every action is the result of another action; Nothing will continue to be nothing and every change must come from change its self. This is how our universe functions on scales grand to minute. In better understanding these mechanisms we can deduce that everything happens for a reason. Not the spiritual “bad things happen for good reasons” bull, but merely because they have to. The universe acts and is most accurately through math (even if we have a nasty habit of approximating everything). As surely as 1+1 = 2, the universe obeys constant laws and functions as an oversized equation. As bleak as this seems, because it reduces every thing down to cold hard numbers and facts, it is the key to everything. If we knew everything there was to know about everything, then we could predict, without error, anything. We could see into the future with clarity and describe the past and present without a second guess. This key, as I stated above, doesn’t exist though. This is an unfortunate by product of the fact that we live in this universe. We are part of the equation, and we have swum too long in ignorance for us to clear the muddied waters of our pond. This is why we approximate; this is why we will never know everything about everything, or even everything about something. This is why we remained shackled by ignorance and lock out from understanding. The fact that we live in a universe with a key keeps us from ever wielding it for our betterment.

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