Monday, February 10, 2014

Buckets and Buckets: Lucy Wan

1. The number one thing I want to do in high school is maintain good grades and get into a college of my choice. I want to major in hospital administration (which probably seems completely unlike me, but I like it) and I hope to go to a college that can give me the best opportunities to succeed in the field.

2. Before I finish college, I would like to study abroad. A lot of people probably have said the same thing, but I think immersion into an entirely new culture is a unique and rewarding experience. Outside of college, there may not be as many opportunities for me to uproot from the U.S. and move to a different country, so I would like to have the experience before college ends. I've always wanted to travel to Europe and expose myself to the rich and vastly different cultures there.

3. As for before I finish living, I have an entire bucket list written out and growing. This list started in 7th grade and I have added on to it ever since. It includes such gems as:

  • Running through a field of flowers in slow motion
  • Learn to play the bagpipes
  • Have a lightsaber duel (checked off and completed)
You can see the 7th grade mentality there. Nowadays my goals are more simple and certainly more central to my future.

  • Adopt/foster children
  • Start my own business (haven't quite decided what yet)
  • Be happy on my own terms
Oh and for fun:

  • Go skydiving   

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