Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to watch golf on tv. -Hans Stromberg

I have many hours of experience on this subject so no one can refute any of my findings mostly on the basis that no on watches golf on tv anyway. Being the only golfer in 2nd hour, i owe it to the SPORT to give it some justice. There is a a whole golf channel (channel 972 with TWC in HD) which makes it possible to optimize golf watching. In reality, golf tournaments are only played on thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday so it is important to make the most of the precious time you really have. On thursday and friday everyone is positioning themselves for the weekend so this is when you take your time to turn on golf channel and do your homework. Golf is the perfect blend, it is just distracting enough to look up when the shot happens and since most of the sport is walking around doing nothing, you can use this time to do your homework, this creates perfect harmony between your homework and golf watching. Also,  an inevitable part of the golf watching process is sleep. As exciting as i try to make golf sound to the uneducated golfing world (cough, all of the academy minus any golfers... So David) golf on tv will put you to sleep better than nyquil. Its important that you sleep through most of the "action", but paramount that you wake up for the last 30 minutes to watch the end, espically on the weekends. This way one can maximize sleep while also getting a small dose of golf on tv and getting to watch who wins the tournament.

Now that you have been educated, go put this knowledge to action, for homework everyone should use the techniques listed above and watch the Honda Classic this weekend, on monday i require at least ONE person from Logsdon's 2nd hour class to report to me who won the tournamrnt.

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