Sunday, February 23, 2014

Will Atkins-21-Right Now

Right now, somewhere in the universe someone is doing something that will completely change their lives without them even knowing they're doing this life changing activity. That may sound vague, but it's true. Somewhere someone is reading a book that will help them decide on their career path. Somewhere someone is meeting the love of their life. Somewhere someone is bringing a new life into the world (to put it delicately). Maybe, someone somewhere is writing a blog for an english assignment that will change the way the way he/she thinks about life or does something else that is life changing. That's the beautiful thing about life. We all hope for that moment, and you probably won't even know the gravity of that moment until years later. Right now, I guarantee you, at least one (possibly many) high school boys are trying to think of a cute way to ask a small crush of theirs to prom, thinking it's harmless. Little do they know that their, "small crush," is going to be their future, their everything.

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