Tuesday, November 26, 2013

#10 Rhoman James

There are a few things that always scare me: needles . I'm always terrified when i have to get blood drawn. Even though there is no pain, it is always the worst pain I could ever experience. The act of pulling something out of me is just the worst feeling for me. It is, to this day the only thing that makes me cry. Other than the enivitable feeling of death. I will be scared of death till the day I die. I've had many peers pass away unexpectedly and what hurts me the most is to think that they had dreams for the future just like I did. And they would've never guessed thatit would've been cut short by a bullet. I know that I could die any day by any random act of violence, so I'm always on the lookout for any situation that could harm me. I don't like living scared but it is better than living careless. Lastly, my biggest fear is the thought of religion being all a hoax. People dedicate their whole lifes to a book in which could be a big work of fiction and to a man in which they have never laid eyes on. The act of death will be the most puzzling day of my life. But I'm scared of what it will bring.

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