Sunday, November 3, 2013

Do you know your neighbor?- Lucy Wan

English this year is like a flashback to freshman year. Somehow the seating chart ended up copying that of 9th grade biology. And thus I ended up next to Hans Stromberg yet again.

Hans- what a stereotypical German name, right? Well I'd say it fits him quite well. Hans is a giant among normal-sized people. He towers over most people and takes up way too much of my desk space. But, despite him calling me 'small asian' (which I resent) and not sharing chocolate with me, Hans is a genuinely nice person. He's also incredibly better than me at calculus, and chemistry and anything math-related in general and isn't afraid to show it (which I also resent). On top of all this, he's hard-working, whether it comes to school or golf. Speaking of golf, Hans never stops speaking of golf. It's one of his passions, next to UK basketball and oh yes, baking (he makes the best brownies, seriously). His spirit animal is probably the UK wildcat. Not a real wildcat, but the mascot. Blue runs in his veins. Sitting by Hans is seldom boring; I've had fun so far.


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