Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sydney Smith (Blog #8)

Fears: Failure
Annoyances: Elitist braggy people, homework
Accomplishments: school stuff- good grades, etc.
Confusion: lots of classes at school confuse me
Sorrows: other people suffering
Dreams: to help lots of people
Idiosyncrasies: read the newspaper every morning, listen to music almost every minute of the day
Risks: putting off assignments for so long that they might end up not getting done
Beloved Possessions: my Bible and my friends/ family (now), my stuffed animals (then)
Problems: procrastination, being too sarcastic


I intend to get all of my work done on time, but sometimes it just doesn't work out. Sometimes I get home at 9:00 pm after a long day, and all I want to do is take a shower and go to bed; but no, I have a couple of hours of homework to do first. Sometimes I give in and jut go to bed, and my homework doesn't end up getting done. I just procrastinate and put it off until the next day, and then the next day, and then the next day. And so on. It's not a very good way to live life, but hey, it's what I do.

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