Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog 14- Chelsea Southworth

Is it bad that nothing of interest has happened in my NaNo this week? I'm actually writing a climactic scene right now, but I doubt it will be finished tonight. So instead of posting an excerpt, I'm going to tell you all a little bit about my main characters; this will probably help in the future.

Elin is the POV character, the main character, and she is my baby. What an awkward penguin (even though there are no penguins where she's from). Her awkwardness lies less in being clumsy and more in tripping over her words or saying the wrong things. She's so smart, caring, and all-around lovable, however, she does take a level in bad*ss when the person she looks up to goes a little crazy. Elin basically becomes the leader which, since she's my darling, makes me incredibly happy.

N'hyla is my other favorite. First of all, she's incredibly blunt and has an awesome sense of dry humor. Her backstory is incredibly depressing, but considering that she's held up incredibly well. If you need someone who's tough and can endure any struggle, N'hyla is your girl.

Keera is my other other favorite. Despite being raised in a culture where women are the lowest of the low, she still has an amazing internal strength. That being said, she's extremely sweet, sensitive and shy; she won't go out and beat up your enemies, but she'll be there to listen and hold your hand when you cry.

Yalohan's pretty nice. He's the only one who consistently keeps a cool, rational head, which is good in the story but boring to write. Mahayla is his sister.

Mahayla and R'haylal, oh my goodness, they're the cutest couple ever. Mahayla is always smiling and R'haylal is the king of humor, but when some unpleasant things happen to R'haylal, that changes. Right now Mahayla's practically hysterical and is epitomizing the over-protective girlfriend stereotype. It's great fun to see her change from that bright, friendly person you want to punch to an edgy, panicky mess on the verge of breakdown.

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