Sunday, November 24, 2013

Flying Turkey-Rachel Hart

On the Wednesday of thanksgiving break my family loads up the car and goes over the mountains and through the woods to grandma’s house, quite literally. Most of the family still lives in southeastern Kentucky so we celebrate there. When we arrive the house already smells like celery and onions from prepping the stuffing. Bright and early Thursday morning, the real cooking begins. By the time most of us crawl out of bed, my grandma has the turkey almost finished because it went into the oven around five that morning. Around noon, everyone begins to arrive. The small living room, kitchen, and dining room fill with aunts, uncles, and mountains of food. After we eat, the talking continues into the afternoon. As the people begin to trickle out, we begin packing in order to leave for Georgia. We normally arrive in Georgia around six and begin prepping for Black Friday.  We shop throughout the night and into the morning. The next day we have the traditional thanksgiving meal with my mom’s cousins and go see a movie after we recover from the massive food coma.

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