Sunday, November 10, 2013

Brave Little Toaster- Jack Humphries

I am the Christmas tree. Right now I am locked in the dark downstairs closet that is my home for 11 months out of the year. The 12th month though, is when I really shine. I can feel the weather changing; growing colder every day, and I know that it is almost time for my hibernation to end. As the ground becomes blanketed with snow, my assemble process is begun. Piece after piece is fit snug into one another until I stand tall above the room. From this vantage point I watch as the other decorations are put up all around me; the three wise men statues, a manger scene, and jolly Santa doll populate the house. Finally the box marked tree decorations is found and people start to dress me with intricate ornaments. Candy canes, shiny colored balls, and tinsel adorn my branches as the quite tunes of silent night fill the air. Finally as December 25th draws near brightly wrapped boxes hide below me, and excited children buzz about like bees in a hive. Their high-pitched voices display their excitement as they rush about picking up and putting down my boxes until an adult comes in to stop them. Finally after all my boxes have been taken and opened, all the family has left, and the sun gone down, I watch the decorations come down. I say goodbye to the Santa, The wise men, and the manger as they disappear into brown square boxes. I feel my ornaments being remorsefully lifted from my branches. Finally a tired hand reaches for me, undoing its labor from less than a month ago. Piece by piece I am placed into my box, and heaved down the stairs back to my closet. I need the rest though it’s been a busy past few weeks, and I think I should sleep for a while. Even though the fun is over, Ill always have next year to look forward to.

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