Sunday, November 24, 2013

daniel horne history

On October second peanuts were invented. I know what you are thinking peanuts have been around for like ever I eat peanuts all the time they weren’t invented by anyone nature invented peanuts and they are great no one needs to change them they are great so what if some people die just by looking at them that is an acceptable  loss. Well that would be correct but I am not talking about the nut you silly goose. The comic strip yes you understand now I’m sure the comic strip with the guy that has a dance named after him and the annoying Holliday specials that every one Looooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeessss so much. Well let me tell you something they are terrible. The guy who invented them should be shot. Well maybe not that seems intense we could just tell him not to invent them. So really that is not a very interesting bit of history it is actually very depressing.

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