Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Karl Werner Assignment 13- Changes!

I truly pity some of the Middle Eastern nations we're at war with. Over there, religion dominates government. Sharia Law is the actual law. Us Americans have had to intercede on behalf of these palaces' citizens to attempt to balance these nations out. The governments of these foreign bodies are in shambles; overrun by corruption, disorganization, hostility, and personal/religious views. Thank God for our great USA, and our system that is free of these plagues. We are absolutely the right country to help others in these regards, and its at no risk to ourselves, since we're so stable here back home.
There are so many positive things to say about our functional government, especially in comparison to these warring foreign states. The governments of the Middle Eastern areas are overrun with corruption and bribery. Can you imagine what that would be like here? Imagine politicians taking money from, I don't know, say big companies or something, and in return, pushing political action that benefits these platforms at the suffering of their constituencies. That would be an outrage. Luckily, here, our leaders are focused on making a difference, not winning a reelection, or pleasing those with money in order to secure campaign funds, or other corrupt transactions like those.
And don't even get me started on religion. These pitiful other nations allow religious beliefs to dictate their laws. How embarrassing. We over here in civilized America have separation of church and state, and we follow it to a T. You'll never see radical groups harassing others about how certain laws don't conform with their religious stances. Our streets are clean of people demanding laws be passed be "their god says it is so". I am so proud of my fellow citizens that all clearly interpret their religion is completely separate from our government and cannot be used as a reason for laws to be passed. Its things like these that truly set us apart from those mongrels in those backward, war-filled lands over in that non-Asiany area.
The thing I am most thankful for about living in America as opposed to the Middle East, is, well, the unwavering stability. Here, every day, I wake up not worrying about whether the government is going to collapse, if there's going to be a hostile takeover, or wondering were the next bomb will go off. In America, we rise and shine knowing we have a stable, functional government that's going to do its job and let me do mine. Can you imagine if we lived in such an awful place that our government stopped working? Like, it just shut down or something? Gosh. I give thanks that our political leaders are more levelheaded and intelligent than that. They know that sometimes you have to compromise and listen, instead of just shout, demand, and, attack, with weapons or words.
These are all reasons I am truly proud to be an American. Anywhere I go in the world, my country's sterling reputation will follow me. Its no wonder so many foreign nations love us for interceding in their affairs. I mean, ours run so smoothly and justly, we simply must share our tactics and bountiful knowledge. What would life be like if our politicians were all corrupt, incompetent hotheads who did everything but their jobs? Or if we ignored our base principles like separation of church and state (like, what if we put religious statements on our dollar bills? Can you imagine the hypocrisy of something like that?)? I thank God, Allah, Buddha, and the rest of the Skyfathers that I live in the Good Ol' USA, where laws are laws, personal beliefs are personal beliefs, everyone lets everyone else be themselves, and where we all are truly free.

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