Monday, November 4, 2013

#12 Brave Little Toasters- Haley Longworth

I am a phone of an amazing owner named Haley Longworth, and my name is Galaxy S3. Haley dresses me in a pretty purple case and always keeps me safe. One day after Haley set me down on the kitchen counter, I stood up and jumped off onto the ground, only to encounter giant creatures barking at me. I typed a description into google and found that they were dogs. I ran as fast as I could into the living room under the couch and saw a tennis ball. I was all alone... until it started talking to me. I didn't know tennis balls could talk! "You're new here. I've been stuck here for months and have never seen you," the ball said. I didn't want to talk so I ran back to the spot under the counter. "Where did I put my phone," Haley asked. She looked down and saw me, thinking she misplaced her phone when I had just went on an adventure. I had been saved!

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