Sunday, November 10, 2013

Brave Little Toaster-Rachel Hart

I am the stuffed beaver you gave your dog. Most days I am hidden in the toy box, but today was very different. He came over and searched through all of the toys until he found me. Then he took such care as he pulled me across the living room floor. While I was happy to be out of the crowded, dark box I knew my time was short. He took me to the rug and began to gnaw on my lovely tail until it was just hanging by a few threads. Soon he grew bored and pulled me to your feet. You picked me and I thought that I was safe, but then you flung me across the room. He pranced over to me, picked me up in his slobbery mouth and shook me wildly. He returned me to your feet and the same thing happened once again. Five minutes in to your sad game, he was done. At last I was able to rest in peace because he had gone and found another toy to torture.

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