Tuesday, October 1, 2013

#7 On This Date- Haley Longworth

On October 3, 1789, George Washington declared the first Thanksgiving Day sanctioned by the national government. This is an important event, because Thanksgiving is a day where Americans can be thankful for life in the US and being able to migrate here and receive the help from the Indians after the fighting ceased. Not only was it important in the time of Washington and the new settlers, it is a national holiday today where people can eat a meal with their families and be thankful for all the blessing they have.
On October 3, 1869, Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving Day to be the last Thursday every November. Prior to his Proclamation,  states elected the day they would celebrate Thanksgiving each year, and by declaring it to be on a certain day, it in a way united the country.
I appreciate this event because it is a time I can spend with my family, eat a good meal, and have a break from school. It is a very important event, and one many people do not know about.

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