Sunday, October 6, 2013

#7 On This Date- Zach Wolfe

October 5 is the day of many important events in human history, such as the March of Versailles during the French Revolution, the first aerial casualty in World War I, and Jews' passports being invalidated in Germany during World War II. There have also been big social events such as the World Series being broadcast on the radio for the first time, the first James Bond movie being released, and the release of the Beatles' first single.  However, I would rather focus on the first televised White House Address, delivered by President Harry Truman on October 5, 1947. This was the first time that people were able to see the president while he talked about he status of the country. It was the first time people could connect with him. We now see every White House Address on television, but this one was so ground breaking because it was the first. People most likely didn't see the president all that often back then, and this have them a chance to. People were able to watch the leader of their country and they could recognize who he was from then on. Connecting with the president was probably big for a lot of people. They could witness how he looked, how he talked, how he acted. They could judge whether they liked him or not on a personal level. For me, I like this event because it paved the way for us to see the president deliver this address every year. Now we can see our leader just like Anericans could in 1947.  It was a huge step forward for the country.

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