Thursday, October 10, 2013

#8 Hans Stromberg

Fears- Losing a family member, getting bad at golf.
Annoyances-changing radio stations too quickly, people saying stupid things.(They already know what the answer is, but still ask the question.),  people talking while watching a sporting event on TV(The people in the TV can't hear you), and morning people. (wow, I have a lot of annoyances)
Accomplishments- 3rd in city in golf, not driving myself crazy by playing a game for the insane.
Confusions- picking a college.
Sorrows- getting too competitive (I try not to show it, but deep down I go crazy if I lose), Not getting enough sleep.
Dreams- Playing on the PGA tour
Idiosyncrasies- Having to play or practice golf everyday because if I don't, I don't feel right.
Risks- I drive aggressively sometimes. (ok, maybe a little more than sometimes)
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then- Golf clubs, Race cars.
Problems- I eat a lot of chocolate (people in my U.S. History class can attest, I eat chocolate chips everyday.), Spelling.

 I feel the need to expand on my idiosyncrasy. When people read what I say, they might think that's a little over the top but when I look at it, practicing golf once a day isn't enough. I have big dreams and the only way to get there is by outplaying the competition and getting a leg up. If I don't practice one day, I think to myself that some other kid trying to reach the same goals as me is getting ahead of me. Like I said, I hate losing, so I feel that I have to practice every day to not lose. It urks me that I got third in city, even though two seniors beat me. Somehow, I have gotten into my head and told myself that if I don't practice one day, I'm magically going to lose the ability to play golf which is a crazy notion, but I've convinced myself that it's true. I may never fully understand this idiosyncrasy, but I have to golf every day or else I just feel wrong.

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