Sunday, October 13, 2013

#8 Haley Longworth

Fears: tornadoes, bugs, losing someone I love, throwing up, needles
Annoyances: when people ask me questions I don't know the answer to, too much noise, mean people
Confusions: Government, four way stops
Sorrows: Sad animal commercials, too much homework
Dreams: healthy, hunger-free world; world peace; marry someone I love; nutritionist
Idiosyncrasies: I have to smell new foods before I eat them
Risks: went to a haunted house but didn't go in, driving
Beloved possessions:
Now- phone, family rings, debit card, Bible, house, clothes, purse
Then- Bible, my favorite little cheetah print purse, crystal earrings
Problems: time management, motivation, patience

Health is such an important factor in our lives because it affects how we feel and look. Throughout time and across the world people have been able to survive with many different diets based on their resources and the world around them, whether they ate mainly animals and dairy, or mainly fruits and vegetables. The difference between the cultures that eat what they have access to and America is that the Standard American Diet consists of a lot of unnatural processed foods and chemicals that are harmful to our bodies, and even the earth around us. Another devastating difference is how we prepare meat in the US. We feed the animals huge amounts of grains and even scraps of other animals that they weren't meant to eat. If the animals were to eat grass and herbs that they were meant to consume, there would be much more food to feed the rest of the world, and Americans would be significantly healthier. This focus on natural ways of eating would reduce the amount of chemicals and pesticides used in our foods today, and the world would be a better place. I think that if everyone ate nutritious, invigorating, full-of-life, natural foods the world would be a better place because of the positive affects everyone would experience.

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