Monday, October 21, 2013

Blog #10 BOO: Erin Holbrook

So ZOMBIES are attacking. Great.  Fun. Here's what I do:

1.) The first most important thing in a zombie invasion is not to get eaten or infected. So, the first thing I would do is arm myself against zombies. That means layering up in all the shin pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards from sports as a kind that hopefully still fit as bit protection. Thick magazines and duct-tape can also be used to improvise armor against the un-dead.

2.)After armor comes weapons. I've got a lacrosse stick and a bibi gun: not much help. I would probably want to make a supply run for weapons, as early in the invasion as possible, before it hits Lexington. A handgun, a rifle, and a flamethrower would suffice. Flamethrower would be best, considering I don't know how to aim anything, and there's a substantially smaller margin for error with a continuous streak of flame.

3.) The next thing anyone needs in the apocalypse, once they've survived it, it food, water, and shelter. For this it is best to go into the most remote area possible, somewhere high up and easily defended. Hopefully somewhere with a few other capable humans who actually know how to shoot a gun. I'd probably go out towards the mountains, stopping for supplies on the way wherever it seems safe.

4.) Now we wait. I stay in my little fort and let the zombies destroy their own food supply and slowly die. In the meanwhile, I do everything I can with the goal of NOT dying. A lot of improvisation is likely involved.

5.) Assuming I've survived this long, which really isn't likely, it is eventually time to start fighting back. The zombies are running out of food, meanwhile the human survivors are becoming faster and smarter. We take the fight to them, overwhelming small groups and joining up with other survivors. Eventually we dominate the planet once again. And we all live happily ever after. Until the aliens...

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