Sunday, October 13, 2013

Will Atkins-My Subject Chooses Me

Fears: Failing, Death.
Annoyances: Dumb people, too much noise
Confusions: The continuation of the two party system in America, long stop lights
Sorrows: Going to The Lexington School, having long hair
Dreams: Being a billionaire, end up on TV
Idiosyncrasies: Ridiculing other on the verge of being cruel, not smiling
Risks: Driving, walking in rough neighborhoods.
Beloved Posessions: Now- My car, my phone.
Then- My gameboy, my basketball
Problems: my college decision, motivation

While many seniors speculate what they will be doing with the next four years of their lives, many juniors begin this process that is oh so grueling. This causes many of us to answer difficult-to-answer questions like, "Do you want to go to a big or small school?" "What region of the country are you thinking of?" This causes many of us young and indecisive children to panic. These are one of the biggest problems of kids our age. My one, "thing," that I have going for me is my running. I have contacted coaches through my cross-country and track abilities. This has helped me enormously in my need to narrow down my choices. While this does help my situation, my problem still exists. That is why my problem is my college decision. Plain and simple

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