Monday, October 14, 2013

Assignment #10 BOO- Karl Werner

There have been countless movies on zombie survival, each allowing a select few characters to survive. Their survival comes down to different things: a immunity gene, inhuman skill, teamwork, and sometimes luck. The only way to survive a zombie apocalypse in real life is the last of those. Luck. There is no solid "survival plan." Stocking up on food and water and fortifying barriers is a mediocre option. These anti-siege tactics are designed with one crucial flaw: they can only be successful if those inside the barrier with the supplies can outlast the siege-rs. With zombies, this is not a likely outcome. Running to the gun store and similar tactics will also get you killed. Ideas like these are the epitome of unoriginal, and a thousand other people will try them too.  You'll get caught up in a massive crowd. And what happens when you get caught in a crowd in the middle of a zombie outbreak? You dieeeee. As for hyper-human capabilities, unless one of you is an undercover, genetically-enhanced secret agent, this is the least realistic option of survival. the only option for survival left is to be an outlier. To survive, you have to do something drastically different from the crowd (or get lucky, or both). My plan would be to just gamble, do something outside-the-box, and pray for a little luck. I would probably go to a nature reserve or a similar site and just try to wait it out. A lack of humans means a lack of zombies. Also, animals would act as a sort of early warning system. There would plenty of water, game, and plants, and many of these resources would be renewable. Crude tools would be fairly simple to create. In conclusion, my strategy is basically to be different and pray the rabbits let me know a zombie is nearby.

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